the install sets the file permissions to account for postgresql service.  The only account that should have access to those files is the postgresql service, and the postgresql account should only have access to directories that it needs access to. 

If you took ownership of the directory and then
add full control for admin replacing permissions on all child objects  it would have saved time instead of doing it by file.

Kasia Tuszynska wrote:

Hi Everybody,

Is anyone testing 8.4 beta?


I installed it on win2008 64bit machine, testing and uninstalling I found no problems, but I ran into an issue with trying to delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL folder after uninstalling. File permissions on some of the data files under the Data folder seemed to have missing admin privileges, I had to delete each file one by one and than add full privs to admin on the files that were missing it.


Has anyone else ran into this?

