juerg.rietmann@pup.ch wrote:
Hi there

I need to half copy and insert new data in a new record. Please see the SQL
statement, that is not working, but i think is shows what I'd like to do.
The fields a_nr and a_kurzbez will get the values from a form and a_bez
needs to be copied from an existing auftrag.

Thanks for any help ... jr

insert into auftrag (a_nr, a_kurzbez) values (123456789, 'testtext')
(select a_bez from auftrag where a_nr='200113672732')

Try something like the folowing example:

test=# create table a (id serial, a1 text, a2 int4);
test=# insert into a (a1, a2) values ('1221211', 12);
INSERT 580415 1
test=# insert into a (a1, a2) values ('12345', 11);
INSERT 580416 1
test=# select * from a;
 id |   a1    | a2
  1 | 1221211 | 12
  2 | 12345   | 11
(2 rows)
test=# create table b (id serial, b1 text, b2 int4, b3 varchar(32));
test=# insert into b (b1, b2, b3) select a1, a2, 'something else' from a where id = 1;
INSERT 580468 1
test=# select * from b;
 id |   b1    | b2 |       b3
  1 | 1221211 | 12 | something else
(1 row)

I hope this can help you !!

George Moga,
    Data Systems Srl
    Slobozia, ROMANIA