*** expected/int2.out Wed Apr 14 22:15:35 1999 --- results/int2.out Tue Nov 16 20:55:26 1999 *************** *** 7,13 **** QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('32767'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-32767'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('100000'); ! ERROR: pg_atoi: error reading "100000": Numerical result out of range QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "asdf": can't parse "asdf" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, INT2_TBL.*; --- 7,13 ---- QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('32767'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-32767'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('100000'); ! ERROR: pg_atoi: error reading "100000": Result too large QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "asdf": can't parse "asdf" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, INT2_TBL.*; ---------------------- *** expected/int4.out Wed Apr 14 22:15:36 1999 --- results/int4.out Tue Nov 16 20:55:29 1999 *************** *** 7,13 **** QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('2147483647'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-2147483647'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1000000000000'); ! ERROR: pg_atoi: error reading "1000000000000": Numerical result out of range QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "asdf": can't parse "asdf" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, INT4_TBL.*; --- 7,13 ---- QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('2147483647'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-2147483647'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1000000000000'); ! ERROR: pg_atoi: error reading "1000000000000": Result too large QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "asdf": can't parse "asdf" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, INT4_TBL.*; ---------------------- *** expected/geometry.out Sun Dec 13 18:49:18 1998 --- results/geometry.out Tue Nov 16 20:55:54 1999 *************** *** 112,118 **** |(-5,-12) |[(10,-10),(-3,-4)] |(-1.60487804878049,-4.64390243902439) |(10,10) |[(10,-10),(-3,-4)] |(2.39024390243902,-6.48780487804878) |(0,0) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(0.0028402365895872,15.384614860264) ! |(-10,0) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(-9.99715942258202,15.3864610140473) |(-3,4) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(-2.99789812267519,15.3851688427303) |(5.1,34.5)|[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(5.09647083221496,15.3836744976925) |(-5,-12) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(-4.99494420845634,15.3855375281616) --- 112,118 ---- |(-5,-12) |[(10,-10),(-3,-4)] |(-1.60487804878049,-4.64390243902439) |(10,10) |[(10,-10),(-3,-4)] |(2.39024390243902,-6.48780487804878) |(0,0) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(0.0028402365895872,15.384614860264) ! |(-10,0) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(-9.99715942258202,15.3864610140472) |(-3,4) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(-2.99789812267519,15.3851688427303) |(5.1,34.5)|[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(5.09647083221496,15.3836744976925) |(-5,-12) |[(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)]|(-4.99494420845634,15.3855375281616) *************** *** 129,139 **** six|box ---+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |(2.12132034355964,2.12132034355964),(-2.12132034355964,-2.12132034355964) ! |(71.7106781186548,72.7106781186548),(-69.7106781186548,-68.7106781186548) ! |(4.53553390593274,6.53553390593274),(-2.53553390593274,-0.535533905932738) ! |(3.12132034355964,4.12132034355964),(-1.12132034355964,-0.121320343559643) |(107.071067811865,207.071067811865),(92.9289321881345,192.928932188135) ! |(170.710678118655,70.7106781186548),(29.2893218813452,-70.7106781186548) (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS twentyfour, b.f1 + p.f1 AS translation --- 129,139 ---- six|box ---+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |(2.12132034355964,2.12132034355964),(-2.12132034355964,-2.12132034355964) ! |(71.7106781186547,72.7106781186547),(-69.7106781186547,-68.7106781186547) ! |(4.53553390593274,6.53553390593274),(-2.53553390593274,-0.535533905932737) ! |(3.12132034355964,4.12132034355964),(-1.12132034355964,-0.121320343559642) |(107.071067811865,207.071067811865),(92.9289321881345,192.928932188135) ! |(170.710678118655,70.7106781186547),(29.2893218813453,-70.7106781186547) (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS twentyfour, b.f1 + p.f1 AS translation *************** *** 409,433 **** QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, polygon(f1) FROM CIRCLE_TBL; six|polygon ! ---+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! |((-3,0),(-2.59807621135332,1.5),(-1.5,2.59807621135332),(-1.83690953073357e-16,3),(1.5,2.59807621135332),(2.59807621135332,1.5),(3,3.67381906146713e-16),(2.59807621135332,-1.5),(1.5,-2.59807621135332),(5.5107285922007e-16,-3),(-1.5,-2.59807621135332),(-2.59807621135332,-1.5)) ! |((-99,2),(-85.6025403784439,52),(-49,88.6025403784439),(0.999999999999994,102),(51,88.6025403784439),(87.6025403784439,52),(101,2.00000000000001),(87.6025403784439,-48),(51,-84.6025403784438),(1.00000000000002,-98),(-49,-84.6025403784439),(-85.6025403784438,-48)) ! |((-4,3),(-3.33012701892219,5.5),(-1.5,7.33012701892219),(1,8),(3.5,7.33012701892219),(5.33012701892219,5.5),(6,3),(5.33012701892219,0.500000000000001),(3.5,-1.33012701892219),(1,-2),(-1.5,-1.33012701892219),(-3.33012701892219,0.499999999999998)) ! |((-2,2),(-1.59807621135332,3.5),(-0.5,4.59807621135332),(1,5),(2.5,4.59807621135332),(3.59807621135332,3.5),(4,2),(3.59807621135332,0.500000000000001),(2.5,-0.598076211353315),(1,-1),(-0.5,-0.598076211353316),(-1.59807621135332,0.499999999999999)) ! |((90,200),(91.3397459621556,205),(95,208.660254037844),(100,210),(105,208.660254037844),(108.660254037844,205),(110,200),(108.660254037844,195),(105,191.339745962156),(100,190),(95,191.339745962156),(91.3397459621556,195)) ! |((0,0),(13.3974596215561,50),(50,86.6025403784439),(100,100),(150,86.6025403784439),(186.602540378444,50),(200,1.22460635382238e-14),(186.602540378444,-50),(150,-86.6025403784438),(100,-100),(50,-86.6025403784439),(13.3974596215562,-50)) (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, polygon(8, f1) FROM CIRCLE_TBL; six|polygon ! ---+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! |((-3,0),(-2.12132034355964,2.12132034355964),(-1.83690953073357e-16,3),(2.12132034355964,2.12132034355964),(3,3.67381906146713e-16),(2.12132034355964,-2.12132034355964),(5.5107285922007e-16,-3),(-2.12132034355964,-2.12132034355964)) ! |((-99,2),(-69.7106781186548,72.7106781186548),(0.999999999999994,102),(71.7106781186547,72.7106781186548),(101,2.00000000000001),(71.7106781186548,-68.7106781186547),(1.00000000000002,-98),(-69.7106781186547,-68.7106781186548)) ! |((-4,3),(-2.53553390593274,6.53553390593274),(1,8),(4.53553390593274,6.53553390593274),(6,3),(4.53553390593274,-0.535533905932737),(1,-2),(-2.53553390593274,-0.535533905932738)) ! |((-2,2),(-1.12132034355964,4.12132034355964),(1,5),(3.12132034355964,4.12132034355964),(4,2),(3.12132034355964,-0.121320343559642),(1,-1),(-1.12132034355964,-0.121320343559643)) ! |((90,200),(92.9289321881345,207.071067811865),(100,210),(107.071067811865,207.071067811865),(110,200),(107.071067811865,192.928932188135),(100,190),(92.9289321881345,192.928932188135)) ! |((0,0),(29.2893218813452,70.7106781186548),(100,100),(170.710678118655,70.7106781186548),(200,1.22460635382238e-14),(170.710678118655,-70.7106781186547),(100,-100),(29.2893218813453,-70.7106781186548)) (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, circle(f1, 50.0) --- 409,433 ---- QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, polygon(f1) FROM CIRCLE_TBL; six|polygon ! ---+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! |((-3,0),(-2.59807621135076,1.50000000000442),(-1.49999999999116,2.59807621135842),(1.53102359017709e-11,3),(1.50000000001768,2.59807621134311),(2.59807621136607,1.4999999999779),(3,-3.06204718035418e-11),(2.59807621133545,-1.50000000003094),(1.49999999996464,-2.59807621137373),(-4.59307077053127e-11,-3),(-1.5000000000442,-2.5980762113278),(-2.59807621138138,-1.49999999995138)) ! |((-99,2),(-85.6025403783588,52.0000000001473),(-48.9999999997054,88.602540378614),(1.00000000051034,102),(51.0000000005893,88.6025403781036),(87.6025403788692,51.9999999992634),(101,1.99999999897932),(87.6025403778485,-48.0000000010313),(50.9999999988214,-84.6025403791243),(0.999999998468976,-98),(-49.0000000014732,-84.6025403775933),(-85.6025403793795,-47.9999999983795)) ! |((-4,3),(-3.33012701891794,5.50000000000737),(-1.49999999998527,7.3301270189307),(1.00000000002552,8),(3.50000000002946,7.33012701890518),(5.33012701894346,5.49999999996317),(6,2.99999999994897),(5.33012701889242,0.499999999948437),(3.49999999994107,-1.33012701895622),(0.999999999923449,-2),(-1.50000000007366,-1.33012701887967),(-3.33012701896897,0.500000000081028)) ! |((-2,2),(-1.59807621135076,3.50000000000442),(-0.499999999991161,4.59807621135842),(1.00000000001531,5),(2.50000000001768,4.59807621134311),(3.59807621136607,3.4999999999779),(4,1.99999999996938),(3.59807621133545,0.499999999969062),(2.49999999996464,-0.598076211373729),(0.999999999954069,-1),(-0.500000000044197,-0.598076211327799),(-1.59807621138138,0.500000000048616)) ! |((90,200),(91.3397459621641,205.000000000015),(95.0000000000295,208.660254037861),(100.000000000051,210),(105.000000000059,208.66025403781),(108.660254037887,204.999999999926),(110,199.999999999898),(108.660254037785,194.999999999897),(104.999999999882,191.339745962088),(99.9999999998469,190),(94.9999999998527,191.339745962241),(91.3397459620621,195.000000000162)) ! |((0,0),(13.3974596216412,50.0000000001473),(50.0000000002946,86.602540378614),(100.00000000051,100),(150.000000000589,86.6025403781036),(186.602540378869,49.9999999992634),(200,-1.02068239345139e-09),(186.602540377848,-50.0000000010313),(149.999999998821,-86.6025403791243),(99.999999998469,-100),(49.9999999985268,-86.6025403775933),(13.3974596206205,-49.9999999983795)) (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, polygon(8, f1) FROM CIRCLE_TBL; six|polygon ! ---+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! |((-3,0),(-2.12132034355423,2.12132034356506),(1.53102359017709e-11,3),(2.12132034357588,2.1213203435434),(3,-3.06204718035418e-11),(2.12132034353258,-2.12132034358671),(-4.59307077053127e-11,-3),(-2.12132034359753,-2.12132034352175)) ! |((-99,2),(-69.7106781184743,72.7106781188352),(1.00000000051034,102),(71.710678119196,72.7106781181135),(101,1.99999999897932),(71.7106781177526,-68.7106781195569),(0.999999998468976,-98),(-69.7106781199178,-68.7106781173917)) ! |((-4,3),(-2.53553390592372,6.53553390594176),(1.00000000002552,8),(4.5355339059598,6.53553390590567),(6,2.99999999994897),(4.53553390588763,-0.535533905977846),(0.999999999923449,-2),(-2.53553390599589,-0.535533905869586)) ! |((-2,2),(-1.12132034355423,4.12132034356506),(1.00000000001531,5),(3.12132034357588,4.1213203435434),(4,1.99999999996938),(3.12132034353258,-0.121320343586707),(0.999999999954069,-1),(-1.12132034359753,-0.121320343521752)) ! |((90,200),(92.9289321881526,207.071067811884),(100.000000000051,210),(107.07106781192,207.071067811811),(110,199.999999999898),(107.071067811775,192.928932188044),(99.9999999998469,190),(92.9289321880082,192.928932188261)) ! |((0,0),(29.2893218815257,70.7106781188352),(100.00000000051,100),(170.710678119196,70.7106781181135),(200,-1.02068239345139e-09),(170.710678117753,-70.7106781195569),(99.999999998469,-100),(29.2893218800822,-70.7106781173917)) (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, circle(f1, 50.0) *************** *** 466,476 **** WHERE (p1.f1 <-> c1.f1) > 0 ORDER BY distance, circle, point using <<; twentyfour|circle |point | distance ! ----------+--------------+----------+----------------- ! |<(100,0),100> |(5.1,34.5)|0.976531926977964 |<(1,2),3> |(-3,4) | 1.47213595499958 |<(0,0),3> |(-3,4) | 2 ! |<(100,0),100> |(-3,4) | 3.07764064044151 |<(100,0),100> |(-5,-12) | 5.68348972285122 |<(1,3),5> |(-10,0) | 6.40175425099138 |<(1,3),5> |(10,10) | 6.40175425099138 --- 466,476 ---- WHERE (p1.f1 <-> c1.f1) > 0 ORDER BY distance, circle, point using <<; twentyfour|circle |point | distance ! ----------+--------------+----------+---------------- ! |<(100,0),100> |(5.1,34.5)|0.97653192697797 |<(1,2),3> |(-3,4) |1.47213595499958 |<(0,0),3> |(-3,4) | 2 ! |<(100,0),100> |(-3,4) |3.07764064044152 |<(100,0),100> |(-5,-12) |5.68348972285122 |<(1,3),5> |(-10,0) |6.40175425099138 |<(1,3),5> |(10,10) |6.40175425099138 *************** *** 482,488 **** |<(0,0),3> |(10,10) | 11.142135623731 |<(1,3),5> |(-5,-12) | 11.1554944214035 |<(1,2),3> |(-5,-12) | 12.2315462117278 ! |<(1,3),5> |(5.1,34.5)| 26.7657047773224 |<(1,2),3> |(5.1,34.5)| 29.757594539282 |<(0,0),3> |(5.1,34.5)| 31.8749193547455 |<(100,200),10>|(5.1,34.5)| 180.778038568384 --- 482,488 ---- |<(0,0),3> |(10,10) | 11.142135623731 |<(1,3),5> |(-5,-12) |11.1554944214035 |<(1,2),3> |(-5,-12) |12.2315462117278 ! |<(1,3),5> |(5.1,34.5)|26.7657047773223 |<(1,2),3> |(5.1,34.5)| 29.757594539282 |<(0,0),3> |(5.1,34.5)|31.8749193547455 |<(100,200),10>|(5.1,34.5)|180.778038568384 ---------------------- *** expected/abstime.out Sun Jan 4 22:35:19 1998 --- results/abstime.out Tue Nov 16 20:56:07 1999 *************** *** 22,28 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 22,28 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 35,41 **** |epoch |current |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 35,41 ---- |epoch |current |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 47,53 **** |epoch |current |infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 47,53 ---- |epoch |current |infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (6 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 75,81 **** -----+---------------------------- |epoch |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 75,81 ---- -----+---------------------------- |epoch |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 85,91 **** |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (4 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 85,91 ---- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (4 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 106,112 **** -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 106,112 ---- -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 116,122 **** -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 116,122 ---- -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 126,132 **** -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, ABSTIME_TBL.* --- 126,132 ---- -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, ABSTIME_TBL.* *************** *** 136,142 **** -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS ten, ABSTIME_TBL.f1 AS abstime, RELTIME_TBL.f1 AS reltime --- 136,142 ---- -----+---------------------------- |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST |epoch ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS ten, ABSTIME_TBL.f1 AS abstime, RELTIME_TBL.f1 AS reltime *************** *** 145,155 **** ORDER BY abstime, reltime; ten|abstime |reltime ---+----------------------------+------------- ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|@ 14 secs ago ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|@ 1 min ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|@ 5 hours ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|@ 10 days ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|@ 3 mons |epoch |@ 14 secs ago |epoch |@ 1 min |epoch |@ 5 hours --- 145,155 ---- ORDER BY abstime, reltime; ten|abstime |reltime ---+----------------------------+------------- ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|@ 14 secs ago ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|@ 1 min ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|@ 5 hours ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|@ 10 days ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|@ 3 mons |epoch |@ 14 secs ago |epoch |@ 1 min |epoch |@ 5 hours ---------------------- *** expected/tinterval.out Wed Oct 28 23:29:12 1998 --- results/tinterval.out Tue Nov 16 20:56:09 1999 *************** *** 19,25 **** five|f1 ----+--------------------------------------------------------------- |["-infinity" "infinity"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] --- 19,25 ---- five|f1 ----+--------------------------------------------------------------- |["-infinity" "infinity"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] *************** *** 38,44 **** WHERE t.f1 #<> '@ 1 months'; three|f1 -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] (3 rows) --- 38,44 ---- WHERE t.f1 #<> '@ 1 months'; three|f1 -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] (3 rows) *************** *** 63,69 **** WHERE t.f1 #> '@ 1 year'; three|f1 -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] (3 rows) --- 63,69 ---- WHERE t.f1 #> '@ 1 year'; three|f1 -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] (3 rows) *************** *** 73,79 **** WHERE t.f1 #>= '@ 3 years'; three|f1 -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] (3 rows) --- 73,79 ---- WHERE t.f1 #>= '@ 3 years'; three|f1 -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] (3 rows) *************** *** 101,107 **** |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"]|["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"]|["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] (5 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS fourteen, t1.f1 AS interval1, t2.f1 AS interval2 --- 101,107 ---- |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"]|["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"]|["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] (5 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS fourteen, t1.f1 AS interval1, t2.f1 AS interval2 *************** *** 113,119 **** |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] ! |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"]|["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"]|["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] --- 113,119 ---- |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] ! |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"]|["-infinity" "infinity"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"]|["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] *************** *** 121,129 **** |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] ! |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"]|["-infinity" "infinity"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"]|["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] (14 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, t1.f1 --- 121,129 ---- |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["-infinity" "infinity"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] ! |["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"]|["-infinity" "infinity"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"]|["epoch" "Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT"] (14 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, t1.f1 *************** *** 135,141 **** ----+--------------------------------------------------------------- |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t1.f1 --- 135,141 ---- ----+--------------------------------------------------------------- |["Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT" "Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT"] |["Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST" "current"] ! |["Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT" "Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST"] (3 rows) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t1.f1 ---------------------- *** expected/horology.out Wed Apr 14 22:19:02 1999 --- results/horology.out Tue Nov 16 20:56:12 1999 *************** *** 429,435 **** ORDER BY abstime; four|abstime |year|month|day|hour|minute|second ----+----------------------------+----+-----+---+----+------+------ ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|1947| 5| 10| 23| 59| 12 |epoch |1969| 12| 31| 16| 0| 0 |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST|1973| 1| 14| 3| 14| 21 |Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT|1995| 5| 1| 0| 30| 30 --- 429,435 ---- ORDER BY abstime; four|abstime |year|month|day|hour|minute|second ----+----------------------------+----+-----+---+----+------+------ ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|1947| 5| 10| 23| 59| 12 |epoch |1969| 12| 31| 16| 0| 0 |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST|1973| 1| 14| 3| 14| 21 |Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT|1995| 5| 1| 0| 30| 30 *************** *** 476,482 **** ORDER BY date; five|abstime | date ----+----------------------------+---------- ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST|05-10-1947 |epoch |01-01-1970 |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST|01-14-1973 |Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT|05-01-1995 --- 476,482 ---- ORDER BY date; five|abstime | date ----+----------------------------+---------- ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT|05-10-1947 |epoch |01-01-1970 |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST|01-14-1973 |Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT|05-01-1995 *************** *** 609,615 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 609,615 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 689,695 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-08 |invalid (8 rows) --- 689,695 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-07 |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 771,777 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |05/10/1947 23:59:12.00 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 771,777 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |05/10/1947 23:59:12.00 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 861,867 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat 10 May 23:59:12 1947 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 861,867 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat 10 May 23:59:12 1947 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 944,950 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-08 |invalid (8 rows) --- 944,950 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-07 |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1027,1033 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |10/05/1947 23:59:12.00 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 1027,1033 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |10/05/1947 23:59:12.00 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1113,1119 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 1113,1119 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat May 10 23:59:12 1947 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1194,1200 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-08 |invalid (8 rows) --- 1194,1200 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-07 |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1277,1283 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |05/10/1947 23:59:12.00 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 1277,1283 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |05/10/1947 23:59:12.00 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1368,1374 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat 10 May 23:59:12 1947 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 1368,1374 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |Sat 10 May 23:59:12 1947 PDT |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1452,1458 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-08 |invalid (8 rows) --- 1452,1458 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |1947-05-10 23:59:12-07 |invalid (8 rows) *************** *** 1536,1542 **** |current |infinity |-infinity ! |10/05/1947 23:59:12.00 PST |invalid (8 rows) --- 1536,1542 ---- |current |infinity |-infinity ! |10/05/1947 23:59:12.00 PDT |invalid (8 rows) ---------------------- *** expected/create_function_2.out Tue Nov 16 20:54:53 1999 --- results/create_function_2.out Tue Nov 16 20:57:37 1999 *************** *** 38,40 **** --- 38,41 ---- AS '/usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: LOAD '/usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so'; + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found ---------------------- *** expected/triggers.out Wed Feb 18 08:15:07 1998 --- results/triggers.out Tue Nov 16 20:58:19 1999 *************** *** 36,66 **** for each row execute procedure check_foreign_key (1, 'restrict', 'pkey23', 'fkeys', 'fkey3'); QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (10, '1', 1); QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (30, '3', 2); QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (40, '4', 5); QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (50, '5', 3); QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (70, '5', 3); ! ERROR: check_fkeys2_pkey_exist: tuple references non-existing key in pkeys QUERY: insert into fkeys values (10, '1', 2); QUERY: insert into fkeys values (30, '3', 3); QUERY: insert into fkeys values (40, '4', 2); QUERY: insert into fkeys values (50, '5', 2); QUERY: insert into fkeys values (70, '5', 1); ! ERROR: check_fkeys_pkey_exist: tuple references non-existing key in pkeys QUERY: insert into fkeys values (60, '6', 4); ! ERROR: check_fkeys_pkey2_exist: tuple references non-existing key in fkeys2 QUERY: delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 30 and pkey2 = '3'; ! NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted ! ERROR: check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict: tuple referenced in fkeys QUERY: delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 40 and pkey2 = '4'; ! NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted ! NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys2 are deleted QUERY: update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 50 and pkey2 = '5'; ! NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted ! ERROR: check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict: tuple referenced in fkeys QUERY: update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 10 and pkey2 = '1'; ! NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted ! NOTICE: check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys2 are deleted QUERY: DROP TABLE pkeys; QUERY: DROP TABLE fkeys; QUERY: DROP TABLE fkeys2; --- 36,70 ---- for each row execute procedure check_foreign_key (1, 'restrict', 'pkey23', 'fkeys', 'fkey3'); QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (10, '1', 1); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (30, '3', 2); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (40, '4', 5); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (50, '5', 3); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (70, '5', 3); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys values (10, '1', 2); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys values (30, '3', 3); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys values (40, '4', 2); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys values (50, '5', 2); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys values (70, '5', 1); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into fkeys values (60, '6', 4); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 30 and pkey2 = '3'; ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 40 and pkey2 = '4'; ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 50 and pkey2 = '5'; ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 10 and pkey2 = '1'; ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/refint.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: DROP TABLE pkeys; QUERY: DROP TABLE fkeys; QUERY: DROP TABLE fkeys2; *************** *** 72,106 **** funny_dup17 () ; QUERY: insert into dup17 values (17); ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 1: 0/0 tuples inserted/selected QUERY: select count(*) from dup17; count ----- ! 1 (1 row) QUERY: insert into dup17 values (17); ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 17: 1/2 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 16: 1/3 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 15: 1/4 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 14: 1/5 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 13: 1/6 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 12: 1/7 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 11: 1/8 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 10: 1/9 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 9: 1/10 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 8: 1/11 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 7: 1/12 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 6: 1/13 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 5: 1/14 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 4: 1/15 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 3: 1/16 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 2: 1/17 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 1: 1/18 tuples inserted/selected QUERY: select count(*) from dup17; count ----- ! 19 (1 row) QUERY: drop trigger dup17_before on dup17; --- 76,94 ---- funny_dup17 () ; QUERY: insert into dup17 values (17); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: select count(*) from dup17; count ----- ! 0 (1 row) QUERY: insert into dup17 values (17); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: select count(*) from dup17; count ----- ! 0 (1 row) QUERY: drop trigger dup17_before on dup17; *************** *** 111,161 **** funny_dup17 () ; QUERY: insert into dup17 values (13); ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 17: 17/34 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 16: 16/49 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 15: 15/63 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 14: 14/76 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 13: 13/88 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 12: 12/99 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 11: 11/109 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 10: 10/118 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 9: 9/126 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 8: 8/133 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 7: 7/139 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 6: 6/144 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 5: 5/148 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 4: 4/151 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 3: 3/153 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 2: 2/154 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 1: 1/154 tuples inserted/selected QUERY: select count(*) from dup17 where x = 13; count ----- ! 154 (1 row) QUERY: insert into dup17 values (13); ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 17: 171/342 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 16: 170/511 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 15: 169/679 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 14: 168/846 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 13: 167/1012 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 12: 166/1177 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 11: 165/1341 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 10: 164/1504 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 9: 163/1666 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 8: 162/1827 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 7: 161/1987 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 6: 160/2146 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 5: 159/2304 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 4: 158/2461 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 3: 157/2617 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 2: 156/2772 tuples inserted/selected ! NOTICE: funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 1: 155/2926 tuples inserted/selected QUERY: select count(*) from dup17 where x = 13; count ----- ! 2926 (1 row) QUERY: DROP TABLE dup17; --- 99,117 ---- funny_dup17 () ; QUERY: insert into dup17 values (13); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: select count(*) from dup17 where x = 13; count ----- ! 0 (1 row) QUERY: insert into dup17 values (13); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: select count(*) from dup17 where x = 13; count ----- ! 0 (1 row) QUERY: DROP TABLE dup17; *************** *** 177,285 **** execute procedure autoinc (price_on, ttdummy_seq); QUERY: insert into tttest values (1, 1, null); QUERY: insert into tttest values (2, 2, null); QUERY: insert into tttest values (3, 3, 0); QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 2| 2| 20| 999999 ! 3| 3| 30| 999999 ! (3 rows) QUERY: delete from tttest where price_id = 2; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 3| 3| 30| 999999 ! 2| 2| 20| 40 ! (3 rows) QUERY: select * from tttest where price_off = 999999; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 3| 3| 30| 999999 ! (2 rows) QUERY: update tttest set price_val = 30 where price_id = 3; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 2| 2| 20| 40 ! 3| 30| 50| 999999 ! 3| 3| 30| 50 ! (4 rows) QUERY: update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 2| 2| 20| 40 ! 3| 3| 30| 50 ! 5| 30| 60| 999999 ! 3| 30| 50| 60 ! (5 rows) QUERY: select set_ttdummy(0); ! set_ttdummy ! ----------- ! 1 ! (1 row) ! QUERY: delete from tttest where price_id = 5; QUERY: update tttest set price_off = 999999 where price_val = 30; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 2| 2| 20| 40 ! 3| 3| 30| 50 ! 3| 30| 50| 999999 ! (4 rows) QUERY: update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 1| 1| 10| 999999 ! 2| 2| 20| 40 ! 5| 3| 30| 50 ! 5| 30| 50| 999999 ! (4 rows) QUERY: select set_ttdummy(1); ! set_ttdummy ! ----------- ! 0 ! (1 row) ! QUERY: update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1; - ERROR: ttdummy (tttest): you can't change price_on and/or price_off columns (use set_ttdummy) QUERY: select set_ttdummy(0); ! set_ttdummy ! ----------- ! 1 ! (1 row) ! QUERY: update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 2| 2| 20| 40 ! 5| 3| 30| 50 ! 5| 30| 50| 999999 ! 1| 1| -1| 999999 ! (4 rows) QUERY: select * from tttest where price_on <= 35 and price_off > 35 and price_id = 5; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! 5| 3| 30| 50 ! (1 row) QUERY: drop table tttest; QUERY: drop sequence ttdummy_seq; --- 133,201 ---- execute procedure autoinc (price_on, ttdummy_seq); QUERY: insert into tttest values (1, 1, null); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into tttest values (2, 2, null); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: insert into tttest values (3, 3, 0); + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../../../../contrib/spi/autoinc.so: symbol CurrentMemoryContext: referenced symbol not found QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: delete from tttest where price_id = 2; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: select * from tttest where price_off = 999999; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: update tttest set price_val = 30 where price_id = 3; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: select set_ttdummy(0); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: delete from tttest where price_id = 5; QUERY: update tttest set price_off = 999999 where price_val = 30; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: select set_ttdummy(1); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1; QUERY: select set_ttdummy(0); ! ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1; QUERY: select * from tttest; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: select * from tttest where price_on <= 35 and price_off > 35 and price_id = 5; price_id|price_val|price_on|price_off --------+---------+--------+--------- ! (0 rows) QUERY: drop table tttest; QUERY: drop sequence ttdummy_seq; ---------------------- *** expected/random.out Mon Aug 17 12:11:15 1998 --- results/random.out Tue Nov 16 21:04:32 1999 *************** *** 19,23 **** WHERE random NOT BETWEEN 80 AND 120; random ------ ! (0 rows) --- 19,24 ---- WHERE random NOT BETWEEN 80 AND 120; random ------ ! 136 ! (1 row) ---------------------- *** expected/misc.out Tue Nov 16 20:54:53 1999 --- results/misc.out Tue Nov 16 21:05:08 1999 *************** *** 6,15 **** --- 6,17 ---- SET stringu1 = reverse_name(onek.stringu1) WHERE onek.stringu1 = 'JBAAAA' and onek.stringu1 = tmp.stringu1; + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: UPDATE tmp SET stringu1 = reverse_name(onek2.stringu1) WHERE onek2.stringu1 = 'JCAAAA' and onek2.stringu1 = tmp.stringu1; + ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so failed: ld.so.1: /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../regress.so: symbol FailedAssertion: referenced symbol not found QUERY: DROP TABLE tmp; QUERY: COPY onek TO '/usr/local/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.5.3/src/test/regress/input/../results/onek.data'; QUERY: DELETE FROM onek; ---------------------- ---------------------- *** expected/numeric.out Thu Jun 10 13:49:30 1999 --- results/numeric.out Tue Nov 16 21:30:00 1999 *************** *** 615,635 **** QUERY: INSERT INTO num_result SELECT id, 0, POWER('10'::numeric, LN(ABS(round(val,300)))) FROM num_data WHERE val != '0.0'; ! QUERY: SELECT t1.id1, t1.result, t2.expected ! FROM num_result t1, num_exp_power_10_ln t2 ! WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id ! AND t1.result != t2.expected; ! id1|result|expected ! ---+------+-------- ! (0 rows) ! ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_data; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_add; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_sub; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_div; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_mul; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_sqrt; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_ln; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_log10; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_exp_power_10_ln; ! QUERY: DROP TABLE num_result; --- 615,621 ---- QUERY: INSERT INTO num_result SELECT id, 0, POWER('10'::numeric, LN(ABS(round(val,300)))) FROM num_data WHERE val != '0.0'; ! pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly. ! This probably means the backend terminated abnormally ! before or while processing the request. ! We have lost the connection to the backend, so further processing is impossible. Terminating. ----------------------