If PostgreSQL failed to compile on your computer or you found a bug that is likely to be specific to one platform then please fill out this form and e-mail it to pgsql-ports@postgresql.org. To report any other bug, fill out the form below and e-mail it to pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org. If you not only found the problem but solved it and generated a patch then e-mail it to pgsql-patches@postgresql.org instead. Please use the command "diff -c" to generate the patch. You may also enter a bug report at http://www.postgresql.org/ instead of e-mail-ing this form. ============================================================================ POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE ============================================================================ Your name : Thomas Kruse Your email address : Thomas.Kruse@infineon.com System Configuration --------------------- Architecture (example: Intel Pentium) : Sparc Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF) : SunOS Release 5.6 Version Generic_105181-12 [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0] PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-6.5.1): PostgreSQL-6.5.1 Compiler used (example: gcc 2.8.0) : gcc Please enter a FULL description of your problem: ------------------------------------------------ Hi, we have a problem with the point 20 a. in the INSTALL-Guide. If we tried to start the postmaster daemon with >>>> nohup postmaster -i > pgserver.log 2>&1 & we got >>>>> Ambiguous output redirect. Our second try was >>>> nohup postmaster -i > pgserver.log but we got only >>>>> IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed (Invalid argument) key=5432001, size=1073152, permission=600 >>>>> FATAL 1: ShmemCreate: cannot create region Maybe there is a problem in file pg_hba.conf. We tried different possibilities but the result of starting the postmaseter was allways the same. Thank you very much for your help! Thomas Please describe a way to repeat the problem. Please try to provide a concise reproducible example, if at all possible: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------