I don't this so, because DB2 is running on a Sun Sparc T1 processor (http://www.sun.com/processors/UltraSPARC-T1/) that's implements much more features, like thread level parelelism, than AMD Opteron.

the DB2 installation:

J2EE AppServer HW (SUT hardware)
  Hardware Vendor:   Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  Model Name:        Sun Fire T2000 Server
  Processor:         Sun UltraSPARC T1
  MHz:               1400
  # of CPUs:         8 cores, 1 chip, 8 cores/chip (4 threads/core)
  Memory (MB):       65536
  L1 Cache:          16KB(I)+8KB(D) per core
  L2 Cache:          3MB per chip
the postgres installation:
J2EE AppServer HW (SUT hardware)
  Hardware Vendor:   Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  Model Name:        Sun Fire X4200 M2
  Processor:         AMD Opteron 2220 SE
  MHz:               2800
  # of CPUs:         4 cores, 2 chips, 2 cores/chip
  Memory (MB):       8192
  L1 Cache:          64KB(I)+16KB(D) per core
  L2 Cache:          1MB per core

postgres with a inferior hardware has better performance than DB2 :-)

Best Regards,

Philippe Amelant escreveu:
am I wrong or DB2 9.1 is faster on less powerfull hardware ?

Le lundi 09 juillet 2007 à 11:57 -0400, Jignesh K. Shah a écrit :
Hello all,

I think this result will be useful for performance discussions of 
postgresql against other databases.


More on Josh Berkus's blog:



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