[Switching to LWP 100610 of process 94627] _poll () at _poll.S:4 #0 _poll () at _poll.S:4 No locals. #1 0x0000000088ef6850 in __thr_poll (fds=0x4, nfds=2, timeout=-1) at /usr/src/lib/libthr/thread/thr_syscalls.c:338 curthread = 0x8f09b000 ret = #2 0x00000000007d3318 in WaitEventSetWaitBlock (set=0x8f19ceb0, cur_timeout=-1, occurred_events=0x80dcbb68, nevents=1) at latch.c:1171 returned_events = 0 rc = cur_pollfd = cur_event = errflags = #3 WaitEventSetWait (set=0x8f19ceb0, timeout=, occurred_events=, occurred_events@entry=0x80dcbb68, nevents=nevents@entry=1, wait_event_info=, wait_event_info@entry=134217737) at latch.c:1000 rc = start_time = {tv_sec = 2400107896, tv_nsec = 1} cur_time = {tv_sec = 2446491840, tv_nsec = 10170712} cur_timeout = -1 returned_events = #4 0x00000000007f2898 in ConditionVariableSleep (cv=cv@entry=0x9bd4f308, wait_event_info=wait_event_info@entry=134217737) at condition_variable.c:157 event = {pos = 0, events = 0, fd = 7084820, user_data = 0x0} done = #5 0x00000000007cfd60 in BarrierArriveAndWait (barrier=barrier@entry=0x9bd4f2f0, wait_event_info=134217737) at barrier.c:191 release = start_phase = 2 next_phase = 3 elected = #6 0x00000000006b0c00 in MultiExecParallelHash (node=0x8f0e0908) at nodeHash.c:312 outerNode = 0x8f0e1170 hashtable = 0x8f0e16f0 hashkeys = 0x8f0ebac8 econtext = 0x8f0e1508 pstate = build_barrier = slot = i = hashvalue = #7 MultiExecHash (node=node@entry=0x8f0e0b70) at nodeHash.c:112 No locals. #8 0x00000000006a13e4 in MultiExecProcNode (node=node@entry=0x8f0e0908) at execProcnode.c:502 result = #9 0x00000000006b5b00 in ExecHashJoinImpl (pstate=0x8f0e0b70, parallel=true) at nodeHashjoin.c:290 hashNode = econtext = 0x8f0e07d8 joinqual = 0x0 otherqual = 0x0 outerNode = 0x8f0e0a58 hashtable = 0x8f0e16f0 node = 0x8f0e0b70 parallel_state = 0x9bd4f2a0 hashvalue = outerTupleSlot = batchno = build_barrier = #10 ExecParallelHashJoin (pstate=0x8f0e0b70) at nodeHashjoin.c:600 No locals. #11 0x00000000006a193c in ExecProcNodeInstr (node=0x8f0e0b70) at execProcnode.c:462 result = #12 0x000000000069a60c in ExecProcNode (node=0x8f0e0b70) at ../../../src/include/executor/executor.h:248 No locals. #13 ExecutePlan (estate=0x8f0e0118, use_parallel_mode=, operation=CMD_SELECT, numberTuples=0, direction=, dest=0x8f1bca78, planstate=, sendTuples=, execute_once=) at execMain.c:1712 current_tuple_count = 0 slot = #14 standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x8f1bdf48, direction=, count=0, execute_once=) at execMain.c:353 estate = 0x8f0e0118 oldcontext = 0x8f1bc000 operation = CMD_SELECT dest = 0x8f1bca78 sendTuples = #15 0x000000000069eafc in ParallelQueryMain (seg=seg@entry=0x8f0b1fb8, toc=toc@entry=0x9bd4f000) at execParallel.c:1402 pwcxt = {seg = 0x8f0b1fb8, toc = 0x9bd4f000} instrument_options = fpes = 0x9bd73240 receiver = instrumentation = 0x9bd513a0 jit_instrumentation = 0x0 queryDesc = 0x8f1bdf48 area_space = area = 0x8f2736c0 buffer_usage = #16 0x0000000000581480 in ParallelWorkerMain (main_arg=) at parallel.c:1433 msgbuf = {data = 0x0, len = 8, maxlen = 1024, cursor = 75} seg = 0x8f0b1fb8 toc = 0x9bd4f000 fps = 0x9bd7bdc0 error_queue_space = mq = mqh = library_name = entrypointstate = function_name = entrypt = 0x69e8a4 libraryspace = gucspace = tstatespace = combocidspace = session_dsm_handle_space = asnapspace = tsnapspace = 0x0 asnapshot = 0x8f1bc530 tsnapshot = reindexspace = #17 0x000000000076bc0c in StartBackgroundWorker () at bgworker.c:911 local_sigjmp_buf = {{_sjb = {39880947222706195019826460417, 39880947204593520499195791704, 44268792018715219089931894785, 44284789773045702961475354624, 183681166717697722631815696, 184965650401038266130728768, 143540313743542789695389968, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2147815353, 44270268791258783981806022656, 44278461064088894690907620608, 43989261717364479129179652097, 43989270866949539691517728768, -34707997198133280150621247941514362856, 41942739273203203019210801264, 43989270866949539689117253632, 44280950489095129942301282432, 104334784480903624415232, 177864391802423036901900480, 44284800398370289418187112448, 44270268791258783981806022656, 2400683264, 9959648, 44269050125558298436377936088, 178361051939863592869609728, 44284800398370289418177085440, 9959648, 44269050125558298436377936088, 177869187955882201385320736}}} worker = 0x8f0a4958 entrypt = 0xd1 #18 0x00000000007783fc in do_start_bgworker (rw=0x8f178500) at postmaster.c:5824 worker_pid = #19 maybe_start_bgworkers () at postmaster.c:6049 rw = 0x8f178500 iter = {cur = 0x8f178740, next = 0x8f1784c0, prev = 0x9905d8 } num_launched = 0 now = #20 0x0000000000776d68 in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=) at postmaster.c:5162 save_errno = 4 #21 0x0000000088ef437c in handle_signal (actp=actp@entry=0x80dcc630, sig=sig@entry=30, info=info@entry=0x80dcc6a0, ucp=ucp@entry=0x80dcc6f0) at /usr/src/lib/libthr/thread/thr_sig.c:303 uc2 = {uc_sigmask = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, uc_mcontext = {mc_gpregs = {gp_x = {4, 2161953552, 0, 0, 2161953824, 2297391804, 8432443308396441110, 3679990472132909591, 93, 0, 1674256998, 18, 1, 169, 218, 84, 2297537056, 2273493208, 36, 2161953824, 0, 0, 2161953552, 4, 2399776768, 1674256998, 10030544, 10027008, 4, 2161953456}, gp_lr = 2297391884, gp_sp = 2161953456, gp_elr = 2273493216, gp_spsr = 536871424, gp_pad = 0}, mc_fpregs = {fp_q = {0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0 , 121434099567864314412419957946238851931, 20016609818878733144904388672456953615, 5353319624539885856935966443534025088, 4055468751613154266206821436120303488, 329104672824602439286622223271128883200, 299145699252825572497233386413785672704, 79711101982042594000931763776512992000, 220482984679275540990975009131135516160, 9641520097728932941005833317657102080, 127421113153814117449301097585084629760, 5100529580561016829347444552778175744, 289206502006071331255019155771212188160, 111019628692199554885892317278934521344, 272984873768906578505639117416367422440, 99596431717910932209290763223621543680, 185721312638819399367146379301298123520}, fp_sr = 16, fp_cr = 0, fp_flags = 1, fp_pad = 0}, mc_flags = 1, mc_pad = 0, mc_spare = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}, uc_link = 0x0, uc_stack = {ss_sp = 0x0, ss_size = 0, ss_flags = 4}, uc_flags = 0, __spare__ = {0, 0, 0, 0}} curthread = 0x8f09b000 in_sigsuspend = 0 cancel_point = 1 cancel_async = cancel_enable = 1 sigfunc = 0x8000009 err = #22 0x0000000088ef3ab8 in thr_sighandler (sig=30, info=0x80dcc6a0, _ucp=0x80dcc6f0) at /usr/src/lib/libthr/thread/thr_sig.c:246 act = {__sigaction_u = {__sa_handler = 0x776bb4 , __sa_sigaction = 0x776bb4 }, sa_flags = 0, sa_mask = {__bits = {2147217735, 4294967295, 4294967295, 4294967295}}} err = 4 usa = 0x88f1b9c8 curthread = 0x8f09b000 ucp = #23 No symbol table info available. #24 _select () at _select.S:4 No locals. #25 0x0000000088ef6b0c in __thr_select (numfds=4, readfds=0x80dccb10, writefds=0x0, exceptfds=0x0, timeout=0x80dccc20) at /usr/src/lib/libthr/thread/thr_syscalls.c:495 curthread = 0x8f09b000 ret = #26 0x0000000000778930 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1692 timeout = {tv_sec = 60, tv_usec = 0} rmask = {__fds_bits = {8, 0 }} selres = now = readmask = {__fds_bits = {8, 0 }} last_lockfile_recheck_time = 1674256970 last_touch_time = 1674256850 nSockets = 4 #27 0x0000000000776444 in PostmasterMain (argc=, argc@entry=3, argv=, argv@entry=0x80dcd580) at postmaster.c:1401 output_config_variable = listen_addr_saved = userDoption = opt = i = status = #28 0x00000000006e57c4 in main (argc=3, argv=0x80dcd580) at main.c:228 do_check_root = A debugging session is active. 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