David is rigth.
And try to avoid returning resultset. If your method need to return something do it with your own objects.
Do something like:

-> get connection
-> create statement on the connection
-> execute statement and get resultset
-> iterate resultset and create your own object with the information needed
-> close statement
-> return the object you created with the information from the resultset

Note:  if your using a pool always release the connection to the pool.

João Paulo Ribeiro

David Goodenough wrote:
Closing the statement closes everything that came from it, i.e. the ResultSet.  
So you need to delay closing the statement until after you have finished with
the ResultSet.


On Friday 28 October 2005 11:18, Aydın Toprak wrote:

I have just stuck with a little point of my code which generates "This
ResultSet is closed." exception ....

here is my stack trace ...
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This ResultSet is closed.



javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802) ... and

I want to return ResultSet from static method (I have never did before,
I guess I can ..??.) ... I get resultset from my jsp page and want to
display it ...
so ı wrote this database access staff into another class file to sperate
them ... anyway..

           stmnt = con.prepareStatement(query);
           stmnt.setInt(1, event_id);
           ps = stmnt.executeQuery();
           connMgr.freeConnection("mypool", con);
            out.append("This is your element :"+ps.getInt("event_id"));

this is the part of the code wich generated that exception...

as a result of my obeservations and try... I can directly point that the
porblem comes from  this
            out.append("This is your element :"+ps.getInt("event_id"));

part of the code...

but I dont understand why?.... the query is file, P.statement and
connection is exist ... and also there is an integer coloumn "event_id"
in table...

is it about the static method or what..? ..


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João Paulo Ribeiro | Senior Software Engineer

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