12:00:51,798 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 1750, SELECT firstName, middleName, lastName, organizationName, version FROM contact WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,790 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 1695, SELECT id, id, name, street, street2, city, state, zip, contact FROM address WHERE (contact=?) 12:00:51,795 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 1632, SELECT name, extension, type FROM organization WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,619 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 1486, SELECT name, password, features, version, comment, pwd_storage_style, deleted, old_name, deleted_date, contact, organization FROM users WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,615 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 1485, SELECT realtycompany.id, realtycompany.id, realtycompany.features, realtycompany.type, realtycompany.website, realtycompany.description, realtycompany.spanish, realtycompany.creditCheck, realtycompany.criminalCheck, realtycompany.fee, realtycompany.perAdult, realtycompany.negotiable, realtycompany.delete, realtycompany.deleteDate, realtycompany.allowed_idle_days, realtycompany.version, realtycompany.comment, realtycompany.organization, realtycompany.privateContact, realtycompany.defaultContact FROM realtycompany WHERE id=? 12:00:51,875 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 492, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notificationlog WHERE id=? 12:00:51,864 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 395, SELECT t0_v.id, t0_v.id, t0_v.nextVersion, t0_v.name, t0_v.reasonToBe, t0_v.displayName, t0_v.prod_content_id FROM versionedcontent t0_v WHERE (t0_v.name = ?) 12:00:51,861 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 361, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notification WHERE id=? 12:00:51,803 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 312, SELECT id, id, name, value, contact, areacode FROM phone WHERE (contact=?) 12:00:51,801 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 312, SELECT id, id, name, value, contact FROM email WHERE (contact=?) 12:00:51,855 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 199, SELECT DISTINCT t0_n.id, t0_n.id, t0_n.status, t0_n.companyType, t0_n.mechanism, t0_n.otherReasonString, t0_n.wasSuccessful, t0_n.whenDate, t0_n.toDo, t0_n.checkedOut, t0_n.done, t0_n.contactName, t0_n.contactInfo, t0_n.owner, t0_n.areacode, t0_n.user_id, t0_n.reason_id, t0_n.companyid FROM notification t0_n, versionedcontent t2_n_reason, organization t1_n_organization WHERE (t1_n_organization.id = ? AND t0_n.status = ? AND t0_n.mechanism = ? AND t2_n_reason.name = ? AND t0_n.reason_id=t2_n_reason.id AND t0_n.companyid=t1_n_organization.id) 12:00:51,852 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 195, SELECT DISTINCT t0_u.id, t0_u.id, t0_u.name, t0_u.password, t0_u.features, t0_u.version, t0_u.comment, t0_u.pwd_storage_style, t0_u.deleted, t0_u.old_name, t0_u.deleted_date, t0_u.contact, t0_u.organization FROM users t0_u, organization t1_u_organization WHERE (t1_u_organization.id = ? AND t0_u.organization=t1_u_organization.id) 12:00:51,774 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 171, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phone WHERE id=? 12:00:51,777 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 132, SELECT t0_c.id, t0_c.id, t0_c.code, t0_c.nytdiff FROM areacode t0_c WHERE (t0_c.code = ?) 12:00:51,787 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 119, SELECT t0_ut.id, t0_ut.id, t0_ut.type, t0_ut.ticket, t0_ut.expdate, t0_ut.disabledUntil, t0_ut.user_id FROM userticket t0_ut, users t1_ut_user WHERE ((t1_ut_user.id=?) AND t0_ut.type = ? AND t0_ut.user_id=t1_ut_user.id) 12:00:51,793 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 118, SELECT id, id, name, password, features, version, comment, pwd_storage_style, deleted, old_name, deleted_date, contact, organization FROM users WHERE (organization=?) 12:00:51,771 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 99, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email WHERE id=? 12:00:51,759 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 63, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contact WHERE id=? 12:00:51,711 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 55, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userticket WHERE id=? 12:00:51,769 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 31, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userrole WHERE id=? 12:00:51,765 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 31, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE id=? 12:00:51,762 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 31, SELECT t0_u.id, t0_u.id, t0_u.name, t0_u.password, t0_u.features, t0_u.version, t0_u.comment, t0_u.pwd_storage_style, t0_u.deleted, t0_u.old_name, t0_u.deleted_date, t0_u.contact, t0_u.organization FROM users t0_u WHERE (t0_u.name = ?) 12:00:51,872 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 23, SELECT DISTINCT t0_n.id, t0_n.id, t0_n.status, t0_n.companyType, t0_n.mechanism, t0_n.otherReasonString, t0_n.wasSuccessful, t0_n.whenDate, t0_n.toDo, t0_n.checkedOut, t0_n.done, t0_n.contactName, t0_n.contactInfo, t0_n.owner, t0_n.areacode, t0_n.user_id, t0_n.reason_id, t0_n.companyid FROM notification t0_n, organization t1_n_organization WHERE (t1_n_organization.id = ? AND t0_n.companyid=t1_n_organization.id) 12:00:51,755 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 19, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM address WHERE id=? 12:00:51,716 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 15, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM organization WHERE id=? 12:00:51,713 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 15, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM realtycompany WHERE id=? 12:00:51,867 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 13, SELECT DISTINCT rc.id, rc.id, rc.features, rc.type, rc.website, rc.description, rc.spanish, rc.creditCheck, rc.criminalCheck, rc.fee, rc.perAdult, rc.negotiable, rc.delete, rc.deleteDate, rc.allowed_idle_days, rc.version, rc.comment, rc.organization, rc.privateContact, rc.defaultContact FROM realtycompany rc , building b, unit u WHERE rc.delete = FALSE AND u.status = ? AND u.alwaysAvailable = FALSE AND u.availableDate < now() AND u.postDate < (now() - (rc.allowed_idle_days::text || ' days')::interval) AND u.building = b.id AND b.realtycompany = rc.id and rc.id not in (select rc.id from userlogin ul, users u, realtycompany rc where rc.id = u.organization and u.id = ul.user_id and ul.date > now() - (rc.allowed_idle_days::text || ' days')::interval) and rc.id not in (select rc.id from notification n, realtycompany rc, versionedcontent vc where n.companyid = rc.id and n.reason_id = vc.id and vc.name=? and (n.todo > (now() - (rc.allowed_idle_days::text || ' days')::interval) or n.done > (now() - (rc.allowed_idle_days::text || ' days')::interval))) 12:00:51,848 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 12, SELECT code, nytdiff FROM areacode WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,891 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 10, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statistics WHERE id=? 12:00:51,889 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 9, SELECT sequence.name, sequence.name, sequence.value FROM sequence WHERE name=? 12:00:51,785 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 9, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM unitstatistics WHERE id=? 12:00:51,782 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 9, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM unit WHERE id=? 12:00:51,780 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 9, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM building WHERE id=? 12:00:51,666 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 8, SELECT t0_v.id, t0_v.id, t0_v.nextVersion, t0_v.name, t0_v.reasonToBe, t0_v.displayName, t0_v.prod_content_id FROM versionedcontent t0_v WHERE (t0_v.name LIKE ?) 12:00:51,878 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 7, SELECT n.id, n.id, n.status, n.companyType, n.mechanism, n.otherReasonString, n.wasSuccessful, n.whenDate, n.toDo, n.checkedOut, n.done, n.contactName, n.contactInfo, n.owner, n.areacode, n.user_id, n.reason_id, n.companyid FROM notification n WHERE n.status = ? AND n.mechanism=? AND n.todo < ? ORDER BY n.todo LIMIT ? 12:00:51,621 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 5, SELECT id, id, whenDate, who, subject, mimeType, message, notification_id FROM notificationlog WHERE (notification_id=?) 12:00:51,624 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 4, SELECT version, whenCreated, parserCode, mime, data, creator, note, vc_id FROM content WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,699 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 3, SELECT sequence.name, sequence.name, sequence.value FROM sequence WHERE name=? 12:00:51,612 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 2, SELECT DISTINCT t0_n.id, t0_n.id, t0_n.status, t0_n.companyType, t0_n.mechanism, t0_n.otherReasonString, t0_n.wasSuccessful, t0_n.whenDate, t0_n.toDo, t0_n.checkedOut, t0_n.done, t0_n.contactName, t0_n.contactInfo, t0_n.owner, t0_n.areacode, t0_n.user_id, t0_n.reason_id, t0_n.companyid FROM notification t0_n WHERE (t0_n.status = ? AND t0_n.mechanism = ? AND t0_n.wasSuccessful = FALSE) 12:00:51,609 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 2, SELECT nextVersion, name, reasonToBe, displayName, prod_content_id FROM versionedcontent WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,604 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 2, SELECT t0_p.id, t0_p.id, t0_p.name, t0_p.value, t0_p.contact, t0_p.areacode FROM phone t0_p WHERE (t0_p.value LIKE ? AND t0_p.areacode IS NULL) 12:00:51,601 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 2, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM areacode WHERE id=? 12:00:51,593 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 1, SELECT users.id, users.id, users.name, users.password, users.features, users.version, users.comment, users.pwd_storage_style, users.deleted, users.old_name, users.deleted_date, users.contact, users.organization FROM users WHERE id=? 12:00:51,708 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userlogin WHERE id=? 12:00:51,702 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT u.id, u.id, u.features, u.rent, u.status, u.street, u.street2, u.bedroom, u.bathroom, u.squareFeet, u.type, u.section8, u.pets, u.petsConditions, u.smoking, u.furniture, u.description, u.available, u.availableDate, u.marketDate, u.postDate, u.stoveType, u.fridge, u.washer, u.washerHookup, u.dryer, u.gasIncluded, u.electricIncluded, u.waterIncluded, u.electricHeat, u.gasHeat, u.oilHeat, u.electricWater, u.gasWater, u.taxCredit, u.subsidized, u.senior, u.seniorLicensed, u.leadPaint, u.securityDeposit, u.negotiableDeposit, u.negotiableDownpayment, u.minimumLease, u.maxoccupancyadult, u.maxOccupancyChild, u.air, u.flooring, u.dishWasher, u.slidingScale, u.slidinglow, u.alwaysAvailable, u.belowHUDFMR, u.trashCollection, u.yardMaintenance, u.otherInfo, u.viewLog, u.listLog, u.delete, u.deleteDate, u.lastUpdateDate, u.yearBuilt, u.version, u.deck, u.purchasemoreparking, u.trashpickup, u.promotion, u.amenities, u.parkingcomment, u.basementtype, u.parkingtype, u.yardmaintenancetype, u.parkingspaces, u.parkingfee, u.trashpickupfee, u.yardmaintenancefee, u.sliding_qualifiers, u.lastmodusername, u.forsaleprice, u.minimum_down_payment, u.forsale_sliding_low, u.qualifiers, u.upgrades_addons, u.homeowner_fee, u.income_based_ss_rent, u.median_rent_20, u.median_rent_30, u.median_rent_40, u.median_rent_50, u.median_rent_60, u.city, u.leadpaintunit, u.building, u.waitinglist_id, u.zipcode FROM unit u , building b WHERE b.realtycompany = ? and u.building=b.id and u.status=8 and u.features & 4::INT8 = 0::INT8 12:00:51,697 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT unit_webfiles.webfile_id, webfile.id, webfile.data, webfile.mimeType, webfile.lastModified, webfile.crunched FROM unit_webfiles, webfile WHERE (unit_webfiles.webfile_id=webfile.id) AND ((unit_webfiles.unit_id=?)) 12:00:51,694 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT code, version FROM zipcode WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,691 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT active, stateName, abbreviation, version, xmlsettings, xmlsettings_test FROM state WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,688 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT features, name, version, xmlsettings, xmlsettings_test, state, primaryregion FROM city WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,686 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT primarycity, overridesHUDFMR, availableUnits, bedroom0, bedroom1, bedroom2, bedroom3, bedroom4, bedroom5, bedroom6, bedroom7, bedroom8, forsalemodule, active, addable, leadpaintorganization, city FROM housingcity WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,682 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT features, type, website, description, spanish, creditCheck, criminalCheck, fee, perAdult, negotiable, delete, deleteDate, allowed_idle_days, version, comment, organization, privateContact, defaultContact FROM realtycompany WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,680 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT name, displayName, numberUnits, laundry, stories, busstop, publicxport_type, playground, access, schoolDistrict, version, contact, realtyCompany FROM building WHERE (id=?) 12:00:51,670 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT unit.id, unit.id, unit.features, unit.rent, unit.status, unit.street, unit.street2, unit.bedroom, unit.bathroom, unit.squareFeet, unit.type, unit.section8, unit.pets, unit.petsConditions, unit.smoking, unit.furniture, unit.description, unit.available, unit.availableDate, unit.marketDate, unit.postDate, unit.stoveType, unit.fridge, unit.washer, unit.washerHookup, unit.dryer, unit.gasIncluded, unit.electricIncluded, unit.waterIncluded, unit.electricHeat, unit.gasHeat, unit.oilHeat, unit.electricWater, unit.gasWater, unit.taxCredit, unit.subsidized, unit.senior, unit.seniorLicensed, unit.leadPaint, unit.securityDeposit, unit.negotiableDeposit, unit.negotiableDownpayment, unit.minimumLease, unit.maxoccupancyadult, unit.maxOccupancyChild, unit.air, unit.flooring, unit.dishWasher, unit.slidingScale, unit.slidinglow, unit.alwaysAvailable, unit.belowHUDFMR, unit.trashCollection, unit.yardMaintenance, unit.otherInfo, unit.viewLog, unit.listLog, unit.delete, unit.deleteDate, unit.lastUpdateDate, unit.yearBuilt, unit.version, unit.deck, unit.purchasemoreparking, unit.trashpickup, unit.promotion, unit.amenities, unit.parkingcomment, unit.basementtype, unit.parkingtype, unit.yardmaintenancetype, unit.parkingspaces, unit.parkingfee, unit.trashpickupfee, unit.yardmaintenancefee, unit.sliding_qualifiers, unit.lastmodusername, unit.forsaleprice, unit.minimum_down_payment, unit.forsale_sliding_low, unit.qualifiers, unit.upgrades_addons, unit.homeowner_fee, unit.income_based_ss_rent, unit.median_rent_20, unit.median_rent_30, unit.median_rent_40, unit.median_rent_50, unit.median_rent_60, unit.city, unit.leadpaintunit, unit.building, unit.waitinglist_id, unit.zipcode FROM unit WHERE id=? 12:00:51,606 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT contact.id, contact.id, contact.firstName, contact.middleName, contact.lastName, contact.organizationName, contact.version FROM contact WHERE id=? 12:00:51,597 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT notification_id, id, id, whenDate, who, subject, mimeType, message, notification_id FROM notificationlog WHERE (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) OR (notification_id=?) 12:00:51,570 INFO [STDOUT] PreparedStatement reuseCount: 0, SELECT organization.id, organization.id, organization.name, organization.extension, organization.type FROM organization WHERE id=?