create table ordered_skip_index_scan_test (id serial not null constraint ordered_skip_index_scan_test_pkey primary key, col1 INT4, col2 INT4); insert into ordered_skip_index_scan_test (col1, col2) select trunc(sqrt(random()*1e6)) as col1, (random()*1e6)::int as col2 from generate_series(1, 11e6); create index ordered_skip_index_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test using btree (col2) create index ordered_skip_index_col1_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test using btree (col1, col2) analyse ordered_skip_index_scan_test; select count(*) from ordered_skip_index_scan_test; explain (analyse, buffers) select * from ordered_skip_index_scan_test where col2 > 50000 and col1 in (1, 999) order by col2 limit 10; -- Limit (cost=0.43..263.30 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.083..5.668 rows=10 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=5362 -- -> Index Scan using ordered_skip_index_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test (cost=0.43..492524.49 rows=18737 width=12) (actual time=0.082..5.664 rows=10 loops=1) -- Index Cond: (col2 > 50000) -- Filter: (col1 = ANY ('{1,999}'::integer[])) -- Rows Removed by Filter: 5343 -- Buffers: shared hit=5362 -- Planning Time: 0.135 ms -- Execution Time: 5.693 ms explain (analyse, buffers) with t as ((select * from ordered_skip_index_scan_test where col2 between 50000 and 500000 and col1 = 13 limit 10) union (select * from ordered_skip_index_scan_test -- Not taking advantage of the partial -- results to adjust the bounds of the -- subsequent queries where col2 between 50000 and 500000 and col1 = 8 limit 10) union (select * from ordered_skip_index_scan_test where col2 between 50000 and 500000 and col1 = 5 limit 10) union (select * from ordered_skip_index_scan_test where col2 between 50000 and 500000 and col1 = 845 limit 10)) select * from t order by col2 limit 10; -- Limit (cost=159.95..159.97 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.225..0.230 rows=10 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=52 -- -> Sort (cost=159.95..160.05 rows=40 width=12) (actual time=0.224..0.227 rows=10 loops=1) -- Sort Key: ordered_skip_index_scan_test.col2 -- Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB -- Buffers: shared hit=52 -- -> HashAggregate (cost=158.28..158.68 rows=40 width=12) (actual time=0.167..0.178 rows=40 loops=1) -- Group Key:, ordered_skip_index_scan_test.col1, ordered_skip_index_scan_test.col2 -- Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 24kB -- Buffers: shared hit=52 -- -> Append (cost=0.43..157.98 rows=40 width=12) (actual time=0.026..0.144 rows=40 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=52 -- -> Limit (cost=0.43..39.35 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.026..0.044 rows=10 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Index Scan using ordered_skip_index_col1_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test (cost=0.43..17214.39 rows=4424 width=12) (actual time=0.025..0.042 rows=10 loops=1) -- Index Cond: ((col1 = 13) AND (col2 >= 50000) AND (col2 <= 500000)) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Limit (cost=0.43..39.35 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.011..0.028 rows=10 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Index Scan using ordered_skip_index_col1_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test ordered_skip_index_scan_test_1 (cost=0.43..17214.39 rows=4424 width=12) (actual time=0.011..0.026 rows=10 loops=1) -- Index Cond: ((col1 = 8) AND (col2 >= 50000) AND (col2 <= 500000)) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Limit (cost=0.43..39.35 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.010..0.025 rows=10 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Index Scan using ordered_skip_index_col1_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test ordered_skip_index_scan_test_2 (cost=0.43..17214.39 rows=4424 width=12) (actual time=0.010..0.023 rows=10 loops=1) -- Index Cond: ((col1 = 5) AND (col2 >= 50000) AND (col2 <= 500000)) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Limit (cost=0.43..39.35 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.026..0.040 rows=10 loops=1) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- -> Index Scan using ordered_skip_index_col1_col2 on ordered_skip_index_scan_test ordered_skip_index_scan_test_3 (cost=0.43..17214.39 rows=4424 width=12) (actual time=0.026..0.039 rows=10 loops=1) -- Index Cond: ((col1 = 845) AND (col2 >= 50000) AND (col2 <= 500000)) -- Buffers: shared hit=13 -- Planning Time: 0.358 ms -- Execution Time: 0.286 ms