Note that in scenario b and c, the amount of data is ten times smaller than scenario a and d, or it would take very long time. PG configurations ======================= shared_buffers = 2GB checkpoint_timeout = 30min max_wal_size = 20GB min_wal_size = 10GB autovacuum = off Steps ======================= (1) create table in publisher side and subscriber side, create publication in publisher side, create subscription in subscriber side. (2) modify the postgresql.conf in publisher side and reload. (3) Do the changes(like INSERT, UPDATE ...) in publisher side, and record the time spent. Details - workload "a" ======================= -- create table in publisher side and subscriber side CREATE TABLE test (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); -- create publication in publisher side, specify different filters in different cases CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test; CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 0); -- 100% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 250000); -- 75% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 500000); -- 50% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 750000); -- 25% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 1000000); -- 0% allowed -- create subscription in subscriber side CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sync_sub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 dbname=postgres application_name=sync_sub' PUBLICATION pub_1; -- do the changes in publisher side INSERT INTO test SELECT i, i::text, row_to_json(row(i)) FROM generate_series(1,1000001)i; Details - workload "b" ====================== -- create table in publisher side and subscriber side CREATE TABLE test (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); -- create publication in publisher side, specify different filters in different cases CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test; CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 0); -- 100% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 25000); -- 75% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 50000); -- 50% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 75000); -- 25% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 100000); -- 0% allowed -- create subscription in subscriber side CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sync_sub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 dbname=postgres application_name=sync_sub' PUBLICATION pub_1; -- do the changes in publisher side DO $do$ BEGIN FOR i IN 0..100000 BY 10 LOOP INSERT INTO test VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); UPDATE test SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; IF I % 1000 = 0 THEN COMMIT; END IF; END LOOP; END $do$; Details - workload "c" ====================== -- create table in publisher side and subscriber side CREATE TABLE test1 (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); CREATE TABLE test2 (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); CREATE TABLE test3 (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); CREATE TABLE test4 (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); CREATE TABLE test5 (key int, value text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); -- create publication in publisher side, specify different filters in different cases CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test1, test2, test3, test4, test5; CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test1 WHERE (key > 0), test2 WHERE(key > 0), test3 WHERE (key > 0), test4 WHERE (key > 0), test5 WHERE(key > 0); CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test1 WHERE (key > 25000), test2 WHERE (key > 25000), test3 WHERE (key > 25000), test4 WHERE (key > 25000), test5 WHERE (key > 25000); CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test1 WHERE (key > 50000), test2 WHERE (key > 50000), test3 WHERE (key > 50000), test4 WHERE (key > 50000), test5 WHERE (key > 50000); CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test1 WHERE (key > 75000), test2 WHERE (key > 75000), test3 WHERE (key > 75000), test4 WHERE (key > 75000), test5 WHERE (key > 75000); CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test1 WHERE (key > 100000), test2 WHERE (key > 100000), test3 WHERE (key > 100000), test4 WHERE (key > 100000), test5 WHERE (key > 100000); -- create subscription in subscriber side CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sync_sub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 dbname=postgres application_name=sync_sub' PUBLICATION pub_1; -- do the changes in publisher side DO $do$ BEGIN FOR i IN 0..100000 BY 10 LOOP INSERT INTO test1 VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); UPDATE test1 SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; INSERT INTO test2 VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); UPDATE test2 SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; INSERT INTO test3 VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); UPDATE test3 SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; INSERT INTO test4 VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); UPDATE test4 SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; INSERT INTO test5 VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); UPDATE test5 SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; IF I % 1000 = 0 THEN COMMIT; END IF; END LOOP; END $do$; Details - workload "d" ====================== -- create table in publisher side and subscriber side CREATE TABLE test (key int, value text, value1 text, data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY(key, value)); -- create publication in publisher side, specify different filters in different cases CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test; CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 0); -- 100% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 250000); -- 75% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 500000); -- 50% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 750000); -- 25% allowed CREATE PUBLICATION pub_1 FOR TABLE test WHERE (key > 1000000); -- 0% allowed -- create subscription in subscriber side CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sync_sub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 dbname=postgres application_name=sync_sub' PUBLICATION pub_1; -- do the changes in publisher side DO $do$ BEGIN FOR i IN 1..1000001 BY 4000 LOOP Alter table test alter column value1 TYPE varchar(30); INSERT INTO test VALUES(i,'BAH', row_to_json(row(i))); Alter table test ALTER COLUMN value1 TYPE text; UPDATE test SET value = 'FOO' WHERE key = i; COMMIT; END LOOP; END $do$;