Limit (cost=33975298.60..33975298.85 rows=100 width=88) -> Sort (cost=33975298.60..33975304.25 rows=2262 width=88) Sort Key: ('store channel'::text), (('store'::text || (ssr.s_store_id)::text)) -> MixedAggregate (cost=17212822.43..33975212.15 rows=2262 width=88) Hash Key: ('store channel'::text), (('store'::text || (ssr.s_store_id)::text)) Hash Key: ('store channel'::text) Group Key: () -> Append (cost=17212822.43..33974571.14 rows=20613 width=88) -> Subquery Scan on ssr (cost=17212822.43..17213803.25 rows=201 width=88) -> GroupAggregate (cost=17212822.43..17213800.24 rows=201 width=49) Group Key: store.s_store_id -> Sort (cost=17212822.43..17212985.07 rows=65053 width=49) Sort Key: store.s_store_id -> Hash Join (cost=1965.58..17207621.67 rows=65053 width=49) Hash Cond: ("*SELECT* 1".store_sk = store.s_store_sk) -> Hash Join (cost=1943.48..17206705.09 rows=65053 width=36) Hash Cond: ("*SELECT* 1".date_sk = date_dim.d_date_sk) -> Append (cost=0.00..12848065.13 rows=316803342 width=40) -> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1" (cost=0.00..10312104.14 rows=288004992 width=40) -> Gather (cost=0.00..5992029.26 rows=288004992 width=52) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on store_sales (cost=0.00..5992029.26 rows=5333426 width=52) -> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2" (cost=0.00..951944.28 rows=28798350 width=40) -> Gather (cost=0.00..519969.03 rows=28798350 width=52) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on store_returns (cost=0.00..519969.03 rows=533303 width=52) -> Hash (cost=1943.29..1943.29 rows=15 width=4) -> Gather (cost=0.00..1943.29 rows=15 width=4) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on date_dim (cost=0.00..1943.29 rows=1 width=4) Filter: ((d_date >= '2000-08-27'::date) AND (d_date <= '2000-09-10'::date)) -> Hash (cost=17.07..17.07 rows=402 width=21) -> Gather (cost=0.00..17.07 rows=402 width=21) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on store (cost=0.00..17.07 rows=7 width=21) -> Subquery Scan on csr (cost=9776975.68..9777973.55 rows=20400 width=88) -> GroupAggregate (cost=9776975.68..9777667.55 rows=20400 width=49) Group Key: catalog_page.cp_catalog_page_id -> Sort (cost=9776975.68..9777056.99 rows=32525 width=49) Sort Key: catalog_page.cp_catalog_page_id -> Hash Join (cost=2652.26..9774538.05 rows=32525 width=49) Hash Cond: ("*SELECT* 1_1".page_sk = catalog_page.cp_catalog_page_sk) -> Hash Join (cost=1943.48..9773382.05 rows=32525 width=36) Hash Cond: ("*SELECT* 1_1".date_sk = date_dim_1.d_date_sk) -> Append (cost=0.00..7593154.66 rows=158396994 width=40) -> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1_1" (cost=0.00..6266326.91 rows=144001728 width=40) -> Gather (cost=0.00..4106300.99 rows=144001728 width=52) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on catalog_sales (cost=0.00..4106300.99 rows=2666699 width=52) -> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2_1" (cost=0.00..534842.78 rows=14395266 width=40) -> Gather (cost=0.00..318913.79 rows=14395266 width=52) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on catalog_returns (cost=0.00..318913.79 rows=266579 width=52) -> Hash (cost=1943.29..1943.29 rows=15 width=4) -> Gather (cost=0.00..1943.29 rows=15 width=4) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on date_dim date_dim_1 (cost=0.00..1943.29 rows=1 width=4) Filter: ((d_date >= '2000-08-27'::date) AND (d_date <= '2000-09-10'::date)) -> Hash (cost=453.78..453.78 rows=20400 width=21) -> Gather (cost=0.00..453.78 rows=20400 width=21) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on catalog_page (cost=0.00..453.78 rows=378 width=21) -> Subquery Scan on wsr (cost=6982661.69..6982691.27 rows=12 width=88) -> GroupAggregate (cost=6982661.69..6982691.09 rows=12 width=49) Group Key: web_site.web_site_id -> Sort (cost=6982661.69..6982666.57 rows=1952 width=49) Sort Key: web_site.web_site_id -> Hash Join (cost=1944.78..6982555.00 rows=1952 width=49) Hash Cond: ("*SELECT* 1_2".wsr_web_site_sk = web_site.web_site_sk) -> Hash Join (cost=1943.48..6982473.18 rows=16265 width=36) Hash Cond: ("*SELECT* 1_2".date_sk = date_dim_2.d_date_sk) -> Append (cost=0.00..5891230.26 rows=79209949 width=40) -> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1_2" (cost=0.00..3149874.55 rows=72009168 width=40) -> Gather (cost=0.00..2069737.03 rows=72009168 width=52) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on web_sales (cost=0.00..2069737.03 rows=1333503 width=52) -> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2_2" (cost=2089739.58..2345305.96 rows=7200781 width=40) -> Gather (cost=2089739.58..2237294.24 rows=7200781 width=52) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Hash Left Join (cost=2089739.58..2237294.24 rows=133348 width=52) Hash Cond: ((web_returns.wr_item_sk = web_sales_1.ws_item_sk) AND (web_returns.wr_order_number = web_sales_1.ws_order_number)) -> Parallel Seq Scan on web_returns (cost=0.00..142887.48 rows=133348 width=28) -> Parallel Hash (cost=2069737.03..2069737.03 rows=1333503 width=12) -> Parallel Seq Scan on web_sales web_sales_1 (cost=0.00..2069737.03 rows=1333503 width=12) -> Hash (cost=1943.29..1943.29 rows=15 width=4) -> Gather (cost=0.00..1943.29 rows=15 width=4) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on date_dim date_dim_2 (cost=0.00..1943.29 rows=1 width=4) Filter: ((d_date >= '2000-08-27'::date) AND (d_date <= '2000-09-10'::date)) -> Hash (cost=1.00..1.00 rows=24 width=21) -> Gather (cost=0.00..1.00 rows=24 width=21) Workers Planned: 54 -> Parallel Seq Scan on web_site (cost=0.00..1.00 rows=1 width=21)