# 403 is btree am oid select opcname from pg_opclass where opcmethod= 403 and opcisbitwise = true; opcname ----------------- bit_ops bool_ops bytea_ops char_ops cidr_ops date_ops int2_ops int4_ops int8_ops interval_ops macaddr_ops macaddr8_ops oid_ops oidvector_ops time_ops timestamptz_ops timetz_ops varbit_ops timestamp_ops tid_ops uuid_ops pg_lsn_ops (22 rows) select opcname from pg_opclass where opcmethod= 403 and opcisbitwise = false; opcname --------------------- array_ops bpchar_ops float4_ops float8_ops inet_ops name_ops numeric_ops record_ops record_image_ops text_ops varchar_ops text_pattern_ops varchar_pattern_ops bpchar_pattern_ops money_ops enum_ops tsvector_ops tsquery_ops range_ops jsonb_ops (20 rows)