create schema hashagg_spill; set search_path to hashagg_spill; -- start_ignore CREATE EXTENSION plpythonu; -- end_ignore -- Create a function which checks how many batches there are -- output example: "Memory Usage: 4096kB Batches: 68 Disk Usage:8625kB" create or replace function hashagg_spill.num_batches(explain_query text) returns setof int as $$ import re rv = plpy.execute(explain_query) search_text = 'batches' result = [] for i in range(len(rv)): cur_line = rv[i]['QUERY PLAN'] if search_text.lower() in cur_line.lower(): p = re.compile('.*Memory Usage: (\d+).* Batches: (\d+) Disk.*') m = p.match(cur_line) batches = int( result.append(batches) return result $$ language plpythonu; create table testhagg (i1 int, i2 int, i3 int, i4 int); insert into testhagg select i,i,i,i from generate_series(1, 30000)i; set work_mem="1800"; select * from (select max(i1) from testhagg group by i2) foo order by 1 limit 10; select num_batches > 0 from hashagg_spill.num_batches('explain (analyze, verbose) select max(i1) from testhagg group by i2;') num_batches; select num_batches > 3 from hashagg_spill.num_batches('explain (analyze, verbose) select max(i1) from testhagg group by i2 limit 90000;') num_batches; reset all; set search_path to hashagg_spill; -- Test agg spilling scenarios create table aggspill (i int, j int, t text); insert into aggspill select i, i*2, i::text from generate_series(1, 10000) i; insert into aggspill select i, i*2, i::text from generate_series(1, 100000) i; insert into aggspill select i, i*2, i::text from generate_series(1, 1000000) i; -- No spill with large statement memory set work_mem = '125MB'; select * from hashagg_spill.num_batches('explain (analyze, verbose) select count(*) from (select i, count(*) from aggspill group by i,j having count(*) = 1) g;'); -- Reduce the statement memory to induce spilling set work_mem = '10MB'; select num_batches > 32 from hashagg_spill.num_batches('explain (analyze, verbose) select count(*) from (select i, count(*) from aggspill group by i,j having count(*) = 2) g;') num_batches; -- Reduce the statement memory, more batches set work_mem = '5MB'; select num_batches > 64 from hashagg_spill.num_batches('explain (analyze, verbose) select count(*) from (select i, count(*) from aggspill group by i,j having count(*) = 3) g;') num_batches; -- Check spilling to a temp tablespace SET work_mem='1000kB'; CREATE TABLE hashagg_spill(col1 numeric, col2 int); INSERT INTO hashagg_spill SELECT id, 1 FROM generate_series(1,20000) id; ANALYZE hashagg_spill; CREATE TABLE spill_temptblspace (a numeric); SET temp_tablespaces=pg_default; INSERT INTO spill_temptblspace SELECT avg(col2) col2 FROM hashagg_spill GROUP BY col1 HAVING(sum(col1)) < 0; RESET temp_tablespaces; RESET work_mem; drop schema hashagg_spill cascade;