On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 09:42:49PM +0800, leiyanliang@highgo.com wrote:

>In that case, I think Tom is right it's likely the same issue as [1],
>although that starts with a report about issues with 4GB. Maybe that's
>due to using different windows version 2008 R2 vs. 2012 R2, though.
>It'd be good if you could test the latest patch [2] in that thread.
>You'll need to build PostgreSQL on Windows, though - I don't have much
>experience with that, but there are wiki pages about doing that either
>using Visual Studio [3] or mingw [4].

I have had the same problem on both win2008r2(64bit) and win10(64bit) with postgreSQL12.1.

The problem has been solved when the above path been applied on win2008r2(64bit) and win10(64bit).

It works:
postgres=# copy github_events from '\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\share\large_eve
nts.csv' csv;
COPY 1146625

Best Wishes
HighGo Software