-- publisher create table t (i int, j int, k text) partition by range(i); create table child1 partition of t for values from ( 1) to (100); create table child2 partition of t for values from (100) to (200); create table child3 partition of t for values from (200) to (300); create table child4 partition of t for values from (300) to (400); create table child5 partition of t for values from (400) to (500); create table def partition of t DEFAULT; create publication mypub; alter publication mypub add table t; insert into t values (generate_series(1,500), generate_series(1,500), repeat('jqbsuyt7832edjw', 20)); --subscriber create table t (i int, j int, k text); create table child1 (i int, j int, k text); create table child5 (i int, j int, k text); create table child4 (i int, j int, k text); create table child3 (i int, j int, k text); create table child2 (i int, j int, k text); create table def (i int, j int, k text); create subscription mysub connection 'host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication mypub;