drop view if exists table_b_active; drop table if exists table_a; drop table if exists table_b; drop table if exists table_c; drop table if exists table_d; drop type if exists "group"; drop type if exists "group_type"; create table table_a ( id int primary key, table_c_id int, date date ); insert into table_a select x,x,'2018-08-31' from generate_series(1,20000) x; create type group_type AS ENUM ('A', 'B'); create type "group" AS ENUM ('A', 'B'); create table table_b ( id int primary key, target_id int, group_type group_type, source_id int, date date, t_active bool ); insert into table_b select x,x,case when x%26=0 then 'A'::group_type else 'B'::group_type end,x,'2018-01-01'::date + ((x % 365)::text || ' days')::interval,'t' from generate_series(1,200000) x; create table table_c ( id int,-- primary key, table_d_id int, table_e_id int, padding varchar(1024) ); insert into table_c select x,x%16+1,x % 29,repeat('a',1024) from generate_Series(1,(49117+1751)*2) x; create table table_d ( id int primary key, "group" "group" ); insert into table_d select x,'A' from generate_series(1,8)x; insert into table_d select x,'B' from generate_series(9,8+55)x; create index table_b_idx_target_id on table_b (target_id) where (t_active IS TRUE); create unique index table_a_uq_001 on table_a (table_c_id, date); create view table_b_active as SELECT * FROM table_b WHERE (table_b.t_active IS TRUE); analyze; set parallel_setup_cost=0; set parallel_tuple_cost=0; alter table table_c set (parallel_workers=1); drop view if exists table_b_active; drop table if exists table_a; drop table if exists table_b; drop table if exists table_c; drop table if exists table_d; drop type if exists "group"; drop type if exists "group_type"; create type group_type AS ENUM ('A', 'B'); create type "group" AS ENUM ('A', 'B'); create table table_a ( id int primary key, table_c_id int, date date ); insert into table_a select x,x,'2018-08-31' from generate_series(1,20000) x; create table table_b ( id int primary key, target_id int, group_type group_type, source_id int, date date, t_active bool, padding varchar(1024) ); insert into table_b select x,200000-x,case when x%26=0 then 'B'::group_type else 'A'::group_type end,x,'2018-01-01'::date + ((x % 365)::text || ' days')::interval,'t',repeat('a',112) from generate_series(1,200000) x; create table table_c ( id int, table_d_id int, table_e_id int, padding varchar(1024) ); insert into table_c select x,x%15+1,x % 29,repeat('a',124) from generate_Series(1,(49117+1751)*2) x; insert into table_c select * from table_c; insert into table_b select generate_series(1000000, 1000010), 100112, 'A', 99888, '2018-09-01', true, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; create table table_d ( id int primary key, "group" "group" ); insert into table_d select x,'A' from generate_series(1,8)x; insert into table_d select x,'B' from generate_series(9,8+55)x; create index table_b_idx_target_id on table_b (target_id) where (t_active IS TRUE); create unique index table_a_uq_001 on table_a (table_c_id, date); analyze; -- Broken query explain (costs off, analyze) SELECT tba.ctid, tba.target_id, ta.id AS table_a_id, tc.id as table_c_id, tba.id AS table_b_id FROM table_b tba INNER JOIN table_c tc ON tba.target_id = tc.id INNER JOIN table_d td ON tc.table_d_id = td.id LEFT JOIN table_a ta ON ta.table_c_id = tc.id AND ta.date = '2018-08-31'::DATE WHERE tba.date BETWEEN '2018-08-10' :: DATE AND '2018-09-01' :: DATE AND td.group = 'A' and (tba.t_active IS TRUE) AND tc.table_e_id = 4 AND ( (tba.target_id = tc.id AND tba.group_type = 'A') OR tba.source_id = tc.id ); -- Working query. (redundant where clause item removed) explain (costs off, analyze) SELECT tba.ctid, tba.target_id, ta.id AS table_a_id, tc.id as table_c_id, tba.id AS table_b_id FROM table_b tba INNER JOIN table_c tc ON tba.target_id = tc.id INNER JOIN table_d td ON tc.table_d_id = td.id LEFT JOIN table_a ta ON ta.table_c_id = tc.id AND ta.date = '2018-08-31'::DATE WHERE tba.date BETWEEN '2018-08-10' :: DATE AND '2018-09-01' :: DATE AND td.group = 'A' and (tba.t_active IS TRUE) AND tc.table_e_id = 4 AND ( (tba.group_type = 'A') OR tba.source_id = tc.id );