Added gmake and gettext. (if you don't have it) Added bison and replaced /usr/bin/yacc with /usr/local/bin/bison get source (make sure you don't ./configure before you update yacc) (these above points should ONLY effect the CVS version, not a snapshot) ./configure gmake gmake check - fast make check failed when I had too much else going on. (too many other postgres owned apps). On a fast machine, this will really break fast since some of the postgres instances don't return before others start up and we hit max process (64). edited: /etc/login.conf Changed: default:\ :maxproc-max=128:\ :maxproc-cur=64:\ :openfiles-cur=64:\ to default:\ :maxproc-max=256:\ :maxproc-cur=256:\ :openfiles-cur=256:\ Be warned, however, this this could cause other problems on the machine. Now other processes will get locked out and will no be able to run. This is a safe high number for a box that is ONLY RUNNING POSTGRESQL. Tweak as necessary. - make check with postmaster running (on a non 5432 port) This bombs with: pgql: connectDBStart() -- connect() failed: No such file or directory Is the postmaster running locally and accepting connections on Unix socket '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.65432'? createdb: database creation failed pg_regress: createdb failed When I am running the regression test and I try to start up postmaster, I get: $ bin/postmaster -p 5555 -i -D data IpcSemaphoreCreate: semget(key=5555002, num=17, 03600) failed: No space left on device This error does *not* mean that you have run out of disk space. It occurs either because system limit for the maximum number of semaphore sets (SEMMNI), or the system wide maximum number of semaphores (SEMMNS), would be exceeded. You need to raise the respective kernel parameter. Look into the PostgreSQL documentation for details. Time to change this in the kernel. I added the following 2 lines to a 'GEN.postgres' config (just copied GENERAL to the new name): option SEMMNI=256 option SEMMNS=2048 and recompiled the kernel. Using these settings I am able to run 6 instances of postmaster on a celeron 300 w/ 96M ram before seeing that problem arise again. ********** Note that once those 6 are running, make check will again break since it will not be able to have enough SEMMNI/SEMMNS. Also, please note that though 6 are running, we have no idea how many files are open and how this will effect the function of client connections, etc. (5 postmasters + make check DID with this setup on my machine) ********** Please mail me any other information that any other people come up with regarding this problem (like what SEMMNI/SEMMNS and ulimits cap out at, etc). Brandon Palmer