This directory contains the tools required to build PostgreSQL using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Note that PostgreSQL builds natively with Visual C++. You must there for make sure that you do *NOT* have any tools from Cygwin or Mingw available in the system PATH. Also, make sure you don't have any Cygwin/Mingw environment variables "leaking" through. First, edit to reflect what "configure options" you want set. Then, to build all of PostgreSQL in debug configuration, run the simple build command from a Visual Studio Command Prompt (to get all environment variables set correctly). To build all of PostgreSQL in release configuration, run build RELEASE To build just a single project, for example psql, run build psql or build RELEASE psql Dependencies ------------ The following packages are used for the different config options: pthreads - always required Download from flex & bison - required to build from CVS Download from Note that you must not use bison version 2.0. Use either version 1.875 or version 2.1 or newer. For flex, use version 2.5.4. perl - always rquired Get ActiveState Perl from python - required for pl/python Get from tcl - required for pl/tcl Get ActiveState TCL from openssl - required for SSL support Get from, or build from source from zlib - required for compression support Get from Kerberos - required for Kerberos support Get from