On 09/01/2011 01:39 AM, Marcos Hercules Santos wrote:
hi guys

I'm newbie in Psql and I'm trying to build one function  in order to
count the products for each supplier. So i'm gonna put it quite simply
though this example

Please, consider a table called books with the following fields

bookid, title, price, idPublisher

and one another table called publisher

Idpublisher, name, city, Books

Being in that last field from Publisher, called book, I gotta have the
amount of published books for each publisher.

One way to do this would be with a view, so you don't need the trigger. The other one would need to be after update, insert and delete. This would include code such as:
update publisher set books=books[+|-]1 where idpublisher=[new|old].idpublisher;
