plpython * refactor code, * make maximal use of "funcapi.h" * split out to seperate files * trigger, * conversions, * spi, * python objects, ... * pass function arguments as locals * add support for types Decimal and datetime, date, time, bool * add special handling for bytea, as standard conversion through string representation does not work because python and postgreSQL escapes don't match * add support for ARRAY types * add support for polymorphic types (ANY, ANYARRAY) * add suppoort for input type RECORD (and maybe output too ?) * ? add support for any postgresql datatype ( lift code from pl/py ?? ) using postgreSQL's internal ops/funcs * add support for transactions, db procedures. test that it is called "directly", then run outside trx * add support for modules inside db, either * using not yet present PACKAGE mechanism * as functions returning type plpython_module * as a special relation ( pg_modules ) + functions for inserting/updating/deleting these * use pg_proc.probin for storing compiled code * add VALIDATOR support ( ) * add trusted language using zope3 RestrictedPython * maybe special/direct support for inline SQL using parser from RestrictedPython * enable access to stdin/stdout, for COPY FROM/TO like functionality * add DEBUGGER support * add support for module level stuff * add module cjson for JSON support on input and output SPI interface: * add direct function calls * SPI: add iterator support for query() result * SPI: add with: support for WHERE CURRENT OF * add with: support for subtransactions * alternatively add ability to do try: except: with subtransactions * support for automatically storing SPI plans postgreSQL core 1. add support for pull (streaming) to functions 2. add support for defining query tree nodes / node-returning-functions or NRFs 3. re-enable SELECT rules, so that selects can be remoted more intelligently using views, probably variant of 2. ?? mixed access to objects , super duck typing 1. try sequence 2. try dict 3. try attribute ideas from Other * Add capability to create and call PROCEDURES * Add PL/PythonU tracebacks * Allow data to be passed in native language formats, rather than only text ... PL/pgSQL functions can also be declared to accept and return the polymorphic types ANYELEMENT, ANYARRAY, ANYNONARRAY, and ANYENUM. The actual data types handled by a polymorphic function can vary from call to call, as discussed in Section 34.2.5. An example is shown in Section 38.3.1.