select subq_218206.c0 as c0 from (select rel_1375794.sl_name as c0, coalesce(rel_1375793.f2, rel_1375793.f2) as c1 from public.subselect_tbl as rel_1375793 inner join public.shoe_ready as rel_1375794 on (rel_1375793.f1 = rel_1375794.sh_avail ) where 34 > 21 fetch first 99 rows only) as subq_218205, lateral (select rel_1375795.b as c0 from public.rtest_t5 as rel_1375795 where rel_1375795.b > coalesce(rel_1375795.b, rel_1375795.b) fetch first 122 rows only) as subq_218206 where EXISTS ( select coalesce(rel_1375802.tablename, rel_1375802.schemaname) as c0 from (select rel_1375801.b as c0, rel_1375801.b as c1, rel_1375801.b as c2, rel_1375801.a as c3 from public.rtest_t9 as rel_1375801 where rel_1375801.b ~>~ rel_1375801.b fetch first 180 rows only) as subq_218208 left join pg_catalog.pg_policies as rel_1375802 on (subq_218208.c2 = rel_1375802.cmd ) where rel_1375802.qual !~* rel_1375802.cmd fetch first 118 rows only) fetch first 154 rows only; select coalesce(subq_734225.c1, subq_734225.c1) as c0, rel_4650803.srvversion as c1 from (select as c0, subq_734226.c0 as c1 from public.street as rel_4650756, lateral (select rel_4650757.conproc as c0 from pg_catalog.pg_conversion as rel_4650757 where rel_4650757.conowner = rel_4650757.connamespace fetch first 52 rows only) as subq_734226 where ~~* coalesce(rel_4650756.cname, rel_4650756.cname)) as subq_734225 right join (select rel_4650790.thepath as c0, as c1 from public.road as rel_4650790 where rel_4650790.thepath > rel_4650790.thepath) as subq_734232 inner join pg_catalog.pg_policies as rel_4650802 right join pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server as rel_4650803 on (rel_4650802.tablename = rel_4650803.srvname ) inner join pg_catalog.pg_roles as rel_4650804 on (rel_4650803.srvtype = rel_4650804.rolpassword ) on (subq_734232.c1 = rel_4650802.cmd ) on (subq_734225.c0 = rel_4650803.srvtype ) where (((rel_4650804.rolname !~ subq_734225.c0) and (((rel_4650802.tablename is NULL) or (rel_4650802.qual !~* subq_734225.c0)) and (subq_734225.c0 ~ subq_734225.c0))) and ((rel_4650802.policyname is not NULL) or (rel_4650802.roles is NULL))) and (rel_4650802.with_check ~~ subq_734225.c0) fetch first 63 rows only;