find your postgresql.conf file, look in there to make sure tcpip_socket
= true.

the directory that file is in should be the same as the $PGDATA that
your getting asked for, so you'll be able to do

pg_ctl -D /path/to/database status

Robert Treat 
Hello All,
 Thanks to Robert. I have set the above things but SQL-ledger is giving different error this time like :
FATAL 1: No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user sql-ledger, database template1
  I am using the preinstalled Postgres DB that came along with the default RH Linux Installation. I did not install externally.( so the path will be /usr/bin./usr/lib)
I have set the variables as suggested in the postgressql.conf file. But i am now getting this error.
$ pg_ctl  -D  /usr/lib/pgsql start
postmaster successfully started
bash-2.05a$ FATAL 1:  data directory /usr/lib/pgsql has group or world access; p
ermissions should be u=rwx (0700) 
and also
bash-2.05a$ initdb
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.
initdb: The directory /usr/lib/pgsql exists but is not empty.
If you want to create a new database system, either remove or empty
the directory /usr/lib/pgsql or run initdb with
an argument other than /usr/lib/pgsql. 
I have set PGDATA =/usr/lib/pgsql and there is no directory by name data. Should i create a new Directory by name data and initialise this. Please advice.
Thank and regards,

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