
We have a IBM NetServer i with 2.5 GB de Ram and RAID 5 with 137 GB, two
PIV Xeon at 1.6 GHZ... I mounted Linux in this server with
PostgreSQL 7.3, we start to deploy the database and we have a lot of
performance problems, i need help for tune up the server....i read the faqs,
a lots of documents about gets better performance but i don't obtain good
results...for example this table: OBLIGACION have 15 millions of records

Column | Type | Modifiers
cuil | numeric(11,0) |
objeto | character varying(11) |
impuesto | numeric(3,0) |
concepto | numeric(3,0) |
tipobj | numeric(3,0) |
fecvtop | date |
fecvtod | date |
graba | date |
fecgen | date |
hora | character varying(4) |
operador | character varying(10) |
numoble | numeric(13,0) |
puesto | numeric(3,0) |
secsec | numeric(4,0) |
periodo | numeric(6,0) |
cuota | numeric(3,0) |
ctrlpago | numeric(3,0) |
ddjjd | numeric(3,0) |
tipopp | numeric(4,0) |
nroppago | numeric(8,0) |
marca | numeric(3,0) |
Indexes: numoble_oblig btree (numoble),
objeto_oblig btree (objeto),
periodo_oblig btree (periodo)

sapym=# explain select max(numoble) from obligacion where periodo=200100;
Aggregate (cost=6983070.47..6983070.47 rows=1 width=16)
-> Index Scan using periodo_oblig on obligacion (cost=0.00..6978186.18
rows=1953717 width=16)
Index Cond: (periodo = 200100::numeric)
(3 rows)

>> there is a index for obligacion on periodo but this query takes over 2
minutes for finish.

sapym=# explain select count(*) from obligacion where periodo=200100;
Aggregate (cost=6983070.47..6983070.47 rows=1 width=0)
-> Index Scan using periodo_oblig on obligacion (cost=0.00..6978186.18
rows=1953717 width=0)
Index Cond: (periodo = 200100::numeric)
(3 rows)

can you help to solve the problem? i really want to use PostgreSQL in my
organization but if i can't solve this problem we must
migrate to ugly DB2 .

thanks in advance.

Gabriel Monsalvo


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