Karsten Hilbert wrote:
# \pset format aligned-wrapped
# \pset border 2
# select * from distributors order by did;
| did  |        name        |        descr        | long_col_name |
|    1 | Food fish and wine | default             |               |
|    2 | Cat Food Heaven 2  | abcdefghijklmnopqrs !               |
Any chance you could put an indicator here to point out the
field has been wrapped ?
It is there but subtle.  Note the ! instead of |.

Did you consider

- a maximum length up to which fields will indeed be wrapped ?
  (\pset format aligned-wrapped 50)
  this will prevent a really large text field being wrapped to
  hundreds of lines thereby scrolling off everything else
Yes, but truncating the request with substr() seems to address this need.  A large field restricted in height would just blow out the width otherwise.

- ignoring wrapping bytea ?
Why treat bytea specially?  In many cases it's unlikely to make any sense to print on a console anyway.  How would you want bytea represented?
- allowing truncation of fields at a certain length before wrapping ?
  (well, this can be handled by truncating at the SQL level, too)

Even without any of the above suggestions this will be a
*very* appreciated improvement of the already excellent