@echo off setlocal REM Configure which modules should be built set WXBASE=wxtiff wxexpat wxjpeg wxpng wxregex wxzlib base core adv aui html net xml xrc set WXCONTRIB=stc REM Location of wxWidgets source set WX=%WXWIN% set HERE=%CD% if not exist %WX%\build\msw\wx.dsw goto no_wx REM Copy include files copy /Y setup0-msw-2.8.h "%WX%\include\wx\setup0.h" copy /Y setup0-msw-2.8.h "%WX%\include\wx\setup.h" copy /Y setup0-msw-2.8.h "%WX%\include\wx\msw\setup.h" REM Convert projects if necessary cd /D %WX%\build\msw del *.vcxproj.user 2> NUL for %%f in (%WXBASE%) do ( echo Checking %%f if not exist wx_%%f.vcxproj vcupgrade /nologo wx_%%f.dsp ) cd ..\..\contrib\build for %%f in (%WXCONTRIB%) do ( echo Checking contrib/%%f cd %%f del *.vcxproj.user 2> NUL if not exist %%f.vcxproj vcupgrade /nologo %%f.dsp cd .. ) cd ..\..\utils\hhp2cached echo Checking utils\hhp2cached del *.vcxproj.user 2> NUL if not exist hhp2cached.vcxproj vcupgrade /nologo hhp2cached.dsp cd ..\wxrc echo Checking utils\wxrc del *.vcxproj.user 2> NUL if not exist wxrc.vcxproj vcupgrade /nologo wxrc.dsp REM Now build them cd /D %WX%\build\msw for %%b in (Debug Release) do ( for %%f in (%WXBASE%) do ( title Building project %%f, config %%b msbuild /nologo wx_%%f.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Unicode %%b" msbuild /nologo wx_%%f.vcxproj /p:Configuration="DLL Unicode %%b" ) ) cd ..\..\contrib\build for %%b in (Debug Release) do ( for %%f in (%WXCONTRIB%) do ( cd %%f title Building project contrib/%%f, config %%b msbuild /nologo %%f.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Unicode %%b" msbuild /nologo %%f.vcxproj /p:Configuration="DLL Unicode %%b" cd .. ) ) cd ..\..\utils\hhp2cached title Building project utils/hhp2cached, config Release msbuild /nologo hhp2cached.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Unicode Release" cd ..\wxrc title Building project utils/wxrc, config Release msbuild /nologo wxrc.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Unicode Release" cd /D %HERE% title "build-wx done." echo "build-wx done." goto :eof :no_wx echo wxWidgets not found in %WX%! exit /b 1