Hi All,

Well the List archives search isn't returning results for me so I've got a quick question:

I've got pgsql installed on a debian linux  system and I'm trying to add a user so that I can login with phpPgAdmin and begin playing with it. But phpPgAdmin keeps saying:

Warning: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'password=' is not in 'pg_shadow' in /var/www/phpPgAdmin/lib.inc.php on line 130
Error - /var/www/phpPgAdmin/index.php
PostgreSQL said: Unable to connect to server

I turned off Advanced Auth in phpPgAdmin and logged in (as the postgres user?) I created a user and it seemed to work fine. When I output the contents of the pg_shadow file (via cat) it listed data that I had put in.

But I'm not able to log in as any of the users i create... I think I'm creating users incorrectly (passwords in pg_shadow are stored plain text). Help.

Thanks in advance,


Cameron Turner, Developer & Systems Support
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