till toenges wrote:
Luis Vilar Flores wrote:
    Hope to hear some feedback soon, hope I didn't forget anything ...

I have an idea for a minor improvement. The MAX_3_BUFF_SIZE is set to 0.
Actually, you can immediately return an empty byte array if the size of
the incomming buffer is 0; that could be a static final byte[], because
nobody could do anything with it anyway. In all other cases, the 2
buffer method is simpler and faster, because it uses fewer buffers and
memory accesses, and is therefore the right solution.


The MAX_3_BUFF_SIZE can be deleted (and the test that use it too), it was these so that we can set a size threshold to use 3 buffers (old algorithm), or only 2 (at the beginning it seemed that 2 buffers were slower).

If the incoming size is 0 we can use the incoming array, I tried to only change the buffer algorithm, the null case for instance was already there.

Thanks for the comments,

Evolute - Luis Flores

Luis Flores

Analista de Sistemas

Evolute - Consultoria Informática

Email: lflores@evolute.pt

Tel: (+351) 212949689


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