Unsupported versions: 6.4
This documentation is for an unsupported version of PostgreSQL.
You may want to view the same page for the current version, or one of the other supported versions listed above instead.

Sample Program

          * testlo.c--
          *    test using large objects with libpq
          * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
          *    /usr/local/devel/pglite/cvs/src/doc/manual.me,v 1.16 1995/09/01 23:55:00 jolly Exp
         #include <stdio.h>
         #include "libpq-fe.h"
         #include "libpq/libpq-fs.h"

         #define BUFSIZE          1024

          * importFile *    import file "in_filename" into database as large object "lobjOid"
         Oid importFile(PGconn *conn, char *filename)
             Oid lobjId;
             int lobj_fd;
             char buf[BUFSIZE];
             int nbytes, tmp;
             int fd;

              * open the file to be read in
             fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0666);
             if (fd < 0)  {   /* error */
              fprintf(stderr, "can't open unix file %s\n", filename);

              * create the large object
             lobjId = lo_creat(conn, INV_READ|INV_WRITE);
             if (lobjId == 0) {
              fprintf(stderr, "can't create large object\n");

             lobj_fd = lo_open(conn, lobjId, INV_WRITE);
              * read in from the Unix file and write to the inversion file
             while ((nbytes = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0) {
              tmp = lo_write(conn, lobj_fd, buf, nbytes);
              if (tmp < nbytes) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "error while reading large object\n");

             (void) close(fd);
             (void) lo_close(conn, lobj_fd);

             return lobjId;

         void pickout(PGconn *conn, Oid lobjId, int start, int len)
             int lobj_fd;
             char* buf;
             int nbytes;
             int nread;

             lobj_fd = lo_open(conn, lobjId, INV_READ);
             if (lobj_fd < 0) {
              fprintf(stderr,"can't open large object %d\n",

             lo_lseek(conn, lobj_fd, start, SEEK_SET);
             buf = malloc(len+1);

             nread = 0;
             while (len - nread > 0) {
              nbytes = lo_read(conn, lobj_fd, buf, len - nread);
              buf[nbytes] = ' ';
              fprintf(stderr,">>> %s", buf);
              nread += nbytes;
             lo_close(conn, lobj_fd);

         void overwrite(PGconn *conn, Oid lobjId, int start, int len)
             int lobj_fd;
             char* buf;
             int nbytes;
             int nwritten;
             int i;

             lobj_fd = lo_open(conn, lobjId, INV_READ);
             if (lobj_fd < 0) {
              fprintf(stderr,"can't open large object %d\n",

             lo_lseek(conn, lobj_fd, start, SEEK_SET);
             buf = malloc(len+1);

             for (i=0;i<len;i++)
              buf[i] = 'X';
             buf[i] = ' ';

             nwritten = 0;
             while (len - nwritten > 0) {
              nbytes = lo_write(conn, lobj_fd, buf + nwritten, len - nwritten);
              nwritten += nbytes;
             lo_close(conn, lobj_fd);

          * exportFile *    export large object "lobjOid" to file "out_filename"
         void exportFile(PGconn *conn, Oid lobjId, char *filename)
             int lobj_fd;
             char buf[BUFSIZE];
             int nbytes, tmp;
             int fd;

              * create an inversion "object"
             lobj_fd = lo_open(conn, lobjId, INV_READ);
             if (lobj_fd < 0) {
              fprintf(stderr,"can't open large object %d\n",

              * open the file to be written to
             fd = open(filename, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0666);
             if (fd < 0)  {   /* error */
              fprintf(stderr, "can't open unix file %s\n",

              * read in from the Unix file and write to the inversion file
             while ((nbytes = lo_read(conn, lobj_fd, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0) {
              tmp = write(fd, buf, nbytes);
                 if (tmp < nbytes) {
                  fprintf(stderr,"error while writing %s\n",

             (void) lo_close(conn, lobj_fd);
             (void) close(fd);


         exit_nicely(PGconn* conn)

         main(int argc, char **argv)
             char *in_filename, *out_filename;
             char *database;
             Oid lobjOid;
             PGconn *conn;
             PGresult *res;

             if (argc != 4) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s database_name in_filename out_filename\n",

             database = argv[1];
             in_filename = argv[2];
             out_filename = argv[3];

              * set up the connection
             conn = PQsetdb(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, database);

             /* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
             if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
              fprintf(stderr,"Connection to database '%s' failed.\n", database);

             res = PQexec(conn, "begin");

             printf("importing file %s\n", in_filename);
         /*  lobjOid = importFile(conn, in_filename); */
             lobjOid = lo_import(conn, in_filename);
             printf("as large object %d.\n", lobjOid);

             printf("picking out bytes 1000-2000 of the large object\n");
             pickout(conn, lobjOid, 1000, 1000);

             printf("overwriting bytes 1000-2000 of the large object with X's\n");
             overwrite(conn, lobjOid, 1000, 1000);

             printf("exporting large object to file %s\n", out_filename);
         /*    exportFile(conn, lobjOid, out_filename); */
             lo_export(conn, lobjOid,out_filename);

             res = PQexec(conn, "end");