CfP is open for PostgreSQL@SCaLE

Posted on 2023-08-17 by SCaLE Conference
Community Conferences

Hi folks!

We're hosting a Postgres track at SoCal Linux Expo again. Come join us in sunny Pasadena!

PostgreSQL(at)SCaLE is a PostgreSQL two day, two track event that takes place on Thursday-Friday March 14-15, 2024, in Pasadena, California, at the Pasadena Convention Center as part of SCaLE 21x. The full SCaLE conference runs from March 14-17, 2024.

The CFP is currently open through November 1, 2023.

We will feature PostgreSQL-related topics by and for people of all levels of experience, from new users to seasoned experts, including how-tos, case studies, overviews of new features, and discussions of the mysteries of PostgreSQL internals. If you're working with Postgres, we want to hear your stories.

Link to full conference cfp:

See "How to Submit a Proposal" section near the bottom of the page for full instructions.

Be sure to tag your submission 'Postgres' if you'd like your talk considered for this track.