MicroOLAP PostgresDAC 2.3.6 released

Posted on 2006-11-12

What's new:

[+] PostgreSQL v8.2 client libraries support

[*] Support for v8.2 dump and restore implemented

[+] property TPSQLDump.TableNames

[+] property TPSQLDump.SchemaNames

[+] property TPSQLDump.ExcludeSchemas

[+] property TPSQLDump.ExcludeTables

[+] TPSQLRestore.Options: roNoDataForFailedTables and roSingleTransaction

option added

[+] Ability to autoescape backslashes and quotes

[-] "TPSQLTable.BatchModify turned to False, when error on Post occurs"

bug fixed

[-] Incorrect TPSQLStoredProc.Params handling fixed

[-] "AV in TPSQLMonitor on application exit" bug fixed

[-] "Crash when unloading the package before Application.Initialize"

bug fixed

[-] "TPSQLIndex have empty name for PRIMARY KEY" bug fixed

[-] "Index built on expressions and/or system columns (oid, tableoid

etc.) crashes app" bug fixed

[-] "TPSQLUPdateSQL: error while inserting date&time parameters" bug


[-] "RecordCount is wrong when Filtered = True" bug fixed

PostgresDAC home page:

http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/postgresdac/download/ ,

Questions? Welcome to support:


Best regards,

MicroOLAP Technologies LTD


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