PostgresDAC 2.4.3 released

Posted on 2008-09-30

You're welcome to download the PostgresDAC v2.4.3 right now at: ,


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Full list of current changes:

[*] Connection establishment is 120% faster now

[+] v8.3.4 client libraries added

[+] v8.3.4 dump & restore libraries (pg_dump.dll, pg_restore.dll) added

[+] Additional component for SSH tunneling added

[+] TPSQLDump.VersionAsInt property added

[+] TPSQLRestore.VersionAsInt property added

[+] TPSQLTable.LockTable functionality added

[-] "EInvalidOp exception is raised for timestamp 'infinity' and '-infinity' values" bug fixed

[-] "Incorrect grid result set representation if TBlobField.Value is used in OnCalcFields event" bug fixed

[-] "Incorrect grid result set representation if TBlobField.Value is used in TDBGrid.OnDrawDataCell event" bug fixed

[-] "TPSQLUpdateSQL component uses wrong database if owner's TPSQLDataset.Database property was changed" bug fixed

[-] "TPSQLUpdateSQL may incorrectly treat values of TLargeIntField fields" bug fixed

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