EDB Postgres Vision Amsterdam 2023

Date: 2023-06-20
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Language: English

Join us on 20th June 2023 at Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas in Amsterdam for a day of thought leadership and educational content, ending in a chance to network with fellow Postgres users. To compete and stay relevant in a challenging economy, leading organizations are making the move to Postgres and harnessing the full power of Postgres across their enterprise with EDB, the Postgres leader. It's time to make the move to new applications, extreme high availability, scalability, the cloud and the same Postgres everywhere—the Postgres you need. EDB expertise gives you the flexibility to efficiently, reliably get to the next level of Postgres. This is your moment to accelerate your open source transformation, and we are by your side every step of the way.

To attend register here: https://events.enterprisedb.com/postgres-vision-amsterdam

Posted by EDB.

Note: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group does not endorse any events run by third parties. No guarantee of the quality of events is offered whatsoever.